
Super-Resolution for Color Imagery




Super-resolution image reconstruction (SRIR) can improve image resolution using a sequence of low-resolution images without upgrading the sensor's hardware. Here, we consider an efficient approach of super-resolving color images. The direct approach is to super-resolve 3 color bands of the input color image sequence separately; however, it requires performing the super-resolution computation 3 times. We transform images in the default red, green, blue (RGB) color space to another color space where SRIR can be used efficiently. Digital color images can be decomposed into 3 grayscale pictures, each representing a different color space coordinate. In common color spaces, one of the coordinates (i.e., grayscale pictures) contains luminance information while the other 2 contain chrominance information. We use only the luminance component in the US Army Research Laboratory's (ARL) SRIR algorithm and upsample the chrominance components based on ARL's alias-free image upsampling using Fourier-based windowing methods. A reverse transformation is performed on these 3 components/pictures to produce a super-resolved color image in the original RGB color space. Five color spaces (CIE 1976 (L*, a*, b*) color space [CIELAB], YIQ, YCbCr, hue-saturation-value [HSV], and hue-saturation-intensity [HSI]) are considered to test the merit of the proposed approach. The results of super-resolving real-world color images are provided.
机译:超分辨率图像重建(SRIR)可以使用一系列低分辨率图像来改善图像分辨率而不升级传感器的硬件。在这里,我们考虑超分辨彩色图像的有效方法。直接方法是单独解决输入彩色图像序列的3色带;但是,它需要执行3次超分辨率计算。我们将默认红色,绿色,蓝色(RGB)颜色空间中的图像转换为另一个颜色空间,其中可以有效地使用SRIR。数字彩色图像可以分解为3个灰度图片,每个图片表示不同的颜色空间坐标。在常见的颜色空间中,其中一个坐标(即灰度图片)包含亮度信息,而另一个2包含色度信息。我们仅在美国陆军研究实验室(ARL)SRIR算法中使用亮度分量,并根据ARL的别名图像上采样使用基于傅立叶的窗口方法来使色度组件上置。对这3个组件/图片执行反向变换,以在原始RGB颜色空间中产生超分辨的彩色图像。五个颜色空间(CIE 1976(L *,A *,B *)颜色空间[CIELAB],YIQ,YCBCR,HUE饱和度值[HSV]和色调饱和强度[HSI])被认为是测试提出的方法的优点。提供超级解析真实世界彩色图像的结果。



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