首页> 外文会议>International conference on image processing, computer vision, pattern recognition >Object Description and Finding of Geometric Structures on the Base of Extracted Straight Edge Segments in Digital Images

Object Description and Finding of Geometric Structures on the Base of Extracted Straight Edge Segments in Digital Images




We present a novel method of grouping straight line segments to describe objects in digital images after straight edges extraction by oriented filtering edge-based algorithm. This method uses crossings in the ordered segments as the main property and it also takes into consideration some specific properties of grouped lines such as anti-parallelism, proximity and adjacency. Structures obtained by this method present an intermediate-level description of interesting objects which have polygonal view (buildings, parts of roads, bridges and some natural places of landscape). At the first step simple structures are obtained by lines grouping taking into consideration all crossing lines or only part of them. At the second step simple structures are joined allowing for restrictions. Application with real aerial and satellite images shows a good ability to separate and extract specific objects like buildings and other line-segment-rich structures.



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