首页> 外文会议>PIERS 2011 Marrakesh;Progress in electromagnetics research symposium >A Matrix-vector-potential Analysis of the Bi-elliptical Toroidal Helical Antenna

A Matrix-vector-potential Analysis of the Bi-elliptical Toroidal Helical Antenna




This paper develops exact expressions for the radiation field integrals of a single-wound bi-elliptical toroidal helical antenna, based on the vector magnetic potential approach. Using the conventional thin-wire approximation in which current flow is constrained along the wire's axis, a vector-potential integral is developed for the problem in terms of the unknown current distribution and physical attributes of the wire antenna, with the integrals' integrands expressed in matrix format. Entries into these integrand matrices lend themselves into certain physical interpretations, which facilitate a number of conclusions concerning the physics of the problem. For example, it becomes readily discernible that the antenna's radiation field admits description as a sum of two expressions; one deriving from the main loop, and the other associated with the poloidal loops of the antenna. These same conclusions were arrived at from the results of the empirical investigations reported in the open literature by Wanamassa et al. [1], and Corum [2]. Analytical results obtained in the paper also clearly indicate that the radiation fields may also be attributed to contributions associated with electric and magnetic currents excited in the antenna's main loop and poloidal loops, respectively. It is shown in the paper that the field expressions developed by the analytical approach reported, also serve as corresponding expressions for certain other configurations of the toroidal antenna as special cases.
机译:本文基于矢量磁势方法,开发了单绕双椭圆环形螺旋形天线的辐射场积分的精确表达式。使用传统的细线近似方法,其中沿线的轴线限制电流流动,针对未知天线的电流分布和物理属性,针对该问题开发了矢量电势积分,其中积分的被积表示为矩阵格式。这些被积分矩阵的输入有助于进行某些物理解释,这有助于对问题的物理学做出许多结论。例如,可以很容易地看出,天线的辐射场允许将描述描述为两个表达式的总和。一个来自主回路,另一个与天线的极向回路相关。这些相同的结论是从Wanamassa等人在公开文献中报告的实证研究结果得出的。 [1]和Corum [2]。该论文获得的分析结果也清楚地表明,辐射场也可能归因于与分别在天线主环路和极向环路中激发的电流和磁流有关的贡献。在本文中显示,报告的分析方法开发的场表达式也可以作为环形天线某些特定配置的特殊情况的对应表达式。



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