首页> 外文会议>Geothermal 2011;Geothermal Resources Council annual meeting >Lithologies, Hydrothermal Alteration, and Rock Mechanical Properties in Wells 15-12 and BCH-3, Bradys Hot Springs Geothermal Field, Nevada

Lithologies, Hydrothermal Alteration, and Rock Mechanical Properties in Wells 15-12 and BCH-3, Bradys Hot Springs Geothermal Field, Nevada




In the Bradys Hot Springs geothermal field of northwestern Nevada, Well 15-12 has been selected as a candidate well for mechanical and chemical stimulation as part of an enhanced geothermal system (EGS) demonstration project (U.S. Department of Energy project with Ormat Nevada and GeothermEx). Well 15-12 has recently been drilled and logged, and is an attractive candidate for EGS work with downhole temperatures of 400℉ (204°C) in metamorphic basement rocks. This non-commercial well is close to the Bradys Fault and has similar formations as production wells in the northern part of the field, but injection tests show an injectivity index of less than 1 gpm/psi, and no significant circulation losses in the basement from the casing shoe at 4,245 ft to the total depth (5,096 ft). Although no core is available from 15-12, companion core samples are available from the target stimulation interval owing to the presence of a fully cored well (BCH-3) drilled on the 15-12 pad. Preliminary tasks of the EGS program are to characterize the rocks transected by the candidate well with an emphasis on texture and basic lithotypes, alteration and clay mineralogy, the natural fracture and vein system, and geomechanical character of various rock units. To this end, X-ray diffraction (XRD) mineralogical analyses and petrologic analyses of well cuttings from 15-12 and corresponding whole core samples from BCH-3 cores were performed. Core samples from BCH-3 were selected for determination of basic core properties (density, porosity, and permeability) and mechanical testing to determine rock strengths and other elastic properties. These measurements will be used in the design of hydraulic and chemical stimulation activities in Well 15-12. Core analyses on the BCH-3 core samples indicate generally high ambient porosities (8-10%) but low permeabilities (<0.01 md) for the rhyolites. The metamorphic samples have less than 2% porosity and negligible permeability. Rock mechanical tests on the core were conducted to determine mechanical properties of the various lithologies including: radial versus axial volumetric strain, stress-strain relationships, dynamic versus static Young's moduli, and frictional strengths and failure responses under a variety of confining conditions and temperatures. The mechanical test results indicate moderately high rock strengths; with unconfined compressive strength estimates of 240-275 MPa for the more siliceous lithologies, and 70-194 MPa for argillically-altered rhyolites and chloride metavolcanic rocks. Effective compressive strengths range from 220 Mpa at 1 MPa confining pressure for crystal-supported rhyolite, and 37 MPa at 1 MPa confining pressure for sericitized metamorphic rocks at the top of the basement, up to 304 MPa at 20 MPa confining pressure for pebbly meta-volcaniclastic rocks. At temperatures of 200°C, quasi-static values for Young's moduli range from 48 to 55 GPa (in crystal-rich rhyolite tuffs) up to 60-76 GPa (in the metamorphic rocks); Poisson's ratios range from 0.10 to 0.29. The results of the laboratory tests were used to construct Mohr-Coulomb failure envelopes for the proposed reservoir rocks, and to evaluate the propensity for frictional failure along natural fractures in the open-hole interval of Well 15-12. At 200°C, sliding friction angles for the residual effective compressive strength range from 29.1 ° to 43.7°. Corresponding coefficients of sliding friction values range from 0.56 in chlorite-altered meta-basalt, up to 0.98 in clast-supported meta-volcaniclastic rocks. The metamorphic rocks in the open-hole interval of 15-12 have abundant veins, clayey shear planes, and other planar features that may be amenable to shear stimulation under higher wellhead fluid pressures. Hydraulic stimulation of the well is intended to enhance formation permeability through self-propping shear failure along the most optimally oriented and critically stressed of these preexisting features.
机译:在内华达州西北部的布雷迪斯温泉地热田中,作为增强地热系统(EGS)示范项目(美国能源部与Ormat内华达州和GeothermEx合作的项目)的一部分,已选择15-12井作为机械和化学增产的候选井。 )。最近已对15-12井进行了钻井和测井,对于变质基底岩石中的井下温度为400℉(204°C)的EGS工作来说,它是一个有吸引力的候选对象。该非商业井靠近布雷迪斯断层,与该油田北部的生产井具有相似的地层,但是注入试验显示注入率小于1 gpm / psi,并且地下的地下没有明显的循环损失。套管鞋的总深度为4,245英尺(5,096英尺)。尽管15-12年没有可用的岩心,但由于在15-12垫上钻了一个完全取芯的井(BCH-3),因此在目标增产期也没有伴生岩心样品。 EGS程序的首要任务是表征候选井横切的岩石,重点是质地和基本岩性,蚀变和粘土矿物学,天然裂缝和脉系统以及各种岩石单元的地质力学特征。为此,对15-12口的岩屑和BCH-3岩心的相应全岩心样品进行了X射线衍射(XRD)矿物学分析和岩石学分析。选择BCH-3的岩心样品来确定基本岩心特性(密度,孔隙率和渗透率),并进行机械测试以确定岩石强度和其他弹性特性。这些测量将用于设计15-12井的水力和化学增产活动。对BCH-3岩心样品的岩心分析表明,流纹岩的环境孔隙率通常较高(8-10%),但渗透率较低(<0.01 md)。变质样品的孔隙率小于2%,渗透率可忽略不计。在岩心上进行了岩石力学测试,以确定各种岩性的力学性能,包括:径向与轴向体积应变,应力-应变关系,动态与静态杨氏模量以及在各种密闭条件和温度下的摩擦强度和破坏响应。力学测试结果表明,岩石强度中等偏高。对于较硅质的岩性,无侧限的抗压强度估计为240-275 MPa,对于经泥质改变的流纹岩和氯化物变火山岩,其无侧限抗压强度估计为240-275 MPa。有效抗压强度范围为:晶体支撑的流纹岩在1 MPa围压下为220 Mpa,在地下室顶部的绢状变质岩在1 MPa围压下为37 MPa,在20 MPa下对于卵石形变质石的有效抗压强度为304 MPa。火山碎屑岩。在200°C的温度下,杨氏模量的准静态值范围为48至55 GPa(在富含晶体的流纹凝灰岩中),最高为60-76 GPa(在变质岩石中);泊松比范围从0.10到0.29。实验室测试的结果用于为拟议的储层岩石构造Mohr-Coulomb破坏包络线,并评估15-12井裸眼区间沿自然裂缝的摩擦破坏倾向。在200°C下,残余有效抗压强度的滑动摩擦角范围为29.1°至43.7°。相应的滑动摩擦系数在亚氯酸盐变质玄武岩中为0.56,而在碎裂支撑的超火山碎屑岩中为0.98。裸眼井段15-12中的变质岩具有丰富的矿脉,黏土剪切平面和其他可能在较高井口流体压力下受到剪切刺激的平面特征。井的水力压裂旨在通过沿这些预先存在的特征的最佳定向和临界应力通过自支撑剪切破坏来增强地层渗透性。



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