首页> 外文会议>ICAMCS 2011;International conference on advanced materials and computer science >Plantar pressure distribution character of diabetic foot in young patients during normal gait

Plantar pressure distribution character of diabetic foot in young patients during normal gait




This study aims to investigate and compare the influence of plantar loading variables during gait of patients with diabetic in young ages. Subjects were divided into the following two groups: diabetic foot, 56 subjects; control group, 52 subjects. Plantar pressure distribution was measured during barefoot gait using the Novel emed platform. Both midfoot and lateral forefoot regions' peak pressure in the diabetic foot was higher than the normal foot. Also, diabetic foot group experienced significantly higher in pressure-time integral and contact time. Those variables provided an indication of plantar loading behavior over time, and other kinesiological factors like joint deformities and mobility can be investigated in further study.
机译:这项研究的目的是调查和比较足底负荷变量对年轻糖尿病患者步态的影响。受试者分为以下两组:糖尿病足56例;糖尿病足56例。对照组52名受试者。使用Novel emed平台在赤脚步态期间测量足底压力分布。糖尿病足中足和前足外侧区域的峰值压力均高于正常足。同样,糖尿病足组的压力时间积分和接触时间明显更高。这些变量提供了足底负重行为随时间变化的指示,其他运动学因素(如关节畸形和活动性)可在进一步研究中进行研究。



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