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Optimized Motion Capture System for Full Body Human Motion Capturing Case Study of Educational Institution and Small Animation Production




Motion capture system or MOCAP is a set of devices used for capturing moving objects. In addition to had used in the scientific community, Medical, Engineering, MOCAP is currently being used extensively in film and animation industry to create realistic movement of the characters and cartoons. A popular MOCAP system used to capture the movement is Optical Motion Capture, called Optical MOCAP that is able to apply a variety of object motions. Nowadays, the price of MOCAP system is high. And if the user uses full system of MOCAP to capture the movement of actor, some incorrect movement data occurred. This reason, the user needs to take a lot of effort to correct the movement data. With the high price and used effort, making institution or manufacturer difficult for decision-making provides the MOCAP to use. This research has the idea to study the adjustment device of MOCAP system that has minimal system and proper motions for basic of full body human movement, including of walking, running and jumping. By adjusting the number of cameras, the number of reflect markers, the placement of the camera. To capture the movement of the display area 10 square meters with review data movement and the movement of the cartoon show in real-time motions. The results showed that the number of cameras 4-6 to capture the movements of the actors in the area of 10 square meters and a height of 2.5 meters with digital camera, named Eagle Digital, placed at different. Use the least 29 points of reflection markers placed on actor, gait walking, running and jumping. There are both important moving markers and referencing markers. The importance points must placed the marker are actor head and a long of the spine. The results of this study will work with the amount of data movement is reduced. As well as to decide to use MOCAP equipment to suit the job they need.
机译:运动捕获系统或MOCAP是用于捕获运动对象的一组设备。除了在科学界使用过,医学,工程,MOCAP目前还广泛用于电影和动画行业,以创建人物和卡通的逼真的动作。用于捕获运动的一种流行的MOCAP系统是光学运动捕获,称为光学MOCAP,它能够应用各种对象运动。如今,MOCAP系统的价格很高。而且,如果用户使用MOCAP的完整系统来捕获actor的动作,则会出现一些不正确的动作数据。因此,用户需要花费很多精力来校正运动数据。由于价格高昂且花费了大量精力,使机构或制造商难以做出决策,因此MOCAP可以使用。这项研究的想法是研究MOCAP系统的调节装置,该装置具有最小的系统和适当的动作,可以满足人体的基本运动,包括步行,奔跑和跳跃。通过调整摄像机的数量,反射标记的数量以及摄像机的位置。通过查看数据运动和卡通动画的运动实时捕获10平方米的显示区域的运动。结果显示,使用名为Eagle Digital的数码相机放置在10平方米,高度为2.5米的区域中捕获演员运动的4-6台摄像机的数量不同。使用放置在演员,步态行走,跑步和跳跃上的最少29个反射标记。有重要的移动标记和参考标记。必须放置的标记的重点是演员的头部和长长的脊椎。这项研究的结果将随着数据移动量的减少而工作。以及决定使用MOCAP设备来适应他们所需的工作。



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