
Universality in relativistic aspirations of Helmholtz soliton pulses




Since the heady days of pioneering temporal optical soliton research [1–3], pulse propagation equations have been almost exclusively of the nonlinear Schrödinger form. These parabolic models are derived from Maxwell''s equations through a careful handling of the linear dispersion operator, and invoking the near-universal slowly-varying envelope approximation (SVEA). A more general approach to pulse evolution, and hence a potentially more accurate one, may clearly be adopted by seeing what progress can be made when the SVEA is relaxed. When one does so, the governing equation is of the Helmholtz (elliptic or hyperbolic) type. While the precedent of using these more sophisticated models was set in the late 1970s [4], they appear to have received relatively little subsequent attention in the literature. A notable exception is the recent paper by Biancalana and Creatore [5], giving Helmholtz-type pulse models a new physical context in the guise of spatial dispersion.
机译:自从开创性的时间光孤子研究[1–3]蓬勃发展以来,脉冲传播方程几乎完全是非线性Schrödinger形式的。这些抛物线模型是通过仔细处理线性色散算子并调用近似通用的缓慢变化的包络近似(SVEA)从Maxwell的方程式得出的。通过观察放松SVEA可以取得什么样的进展,显然可以采用一种更通用的脉搏演化方法,因此可能是一种更准确的方法。如果这样做,则控制方程为亥姆霍兹(椭圆或双曲线)类型。尽管在1970年代后期就建立了使用这些更为复杂的模型的先例[4],但它们在文献中似乎很少受到关注。一个明显的例外是Biancalana和Creatore [5]的最新论文,该论文以空间色散的名义为亥姆霍兹型脉冲模型提供了新的物理环境。



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