首页> 外文会议>Pan American Health Care Exchanges Conference >Threshold of Tactile Discrimination TTD and Stroop Tachistoscope in schoolchildren as a indicator of deficit conditions in learning

Threshold of Tactile Discrimination TTD and Stroop Tachistoscope in schoolchildren as a indicator of deficit conditions in learning




Using self-constructed equipment of Psychophysiology were measured the responses of a group of 145 students from schools in Valparaiso, aged between 6 and 8, which were studied with Esthesiometer, Tachistoscope, Reaction Time and MAINS. This paper shows measurements with the STROOP in tachistoscope program and Measurement of Threshold of Tactile Discrimination (TTD). with esthesiometer. Results indicate that students are not greatly affected by neural conditions although some cases of hypoesthesia are related with fatigue, while the results of the Stroop Tachistoscope shows some cases of ADHD that affect their school performance and should be confirmed with laboratory studies and measurement like tests of Conners or Wender.



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