首页> 外文会议>2011 International Symposium on Electronic System Design >Performance Study of Harmony Search Algorithm for Analog Circuit Sizing

Performance Study of Harmony Search Algorithm for Analog Circuit Sizing




Automation in nominal design of analog circuits considerably reduces the overall time to market of mixed-mode ICs. Application of meta-heuristic optimization algorithms with simulator level fitness evaluation for circuit sizing is a popular automation approach. In this work, with the same approach, we investigate the performance of Harmony Search (HS) algorithm. HS is a relatively new meta-heuristic inspired from musical process, in which population represents memory of a group of musicians, that searches for a perfect state of harmony. Performance of HS is compared with Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm for design of a 180nm CMOS process based Folded Cascode Operational Trans-conductance Amplifier (FCOTA) with continuous time common mode feedback. Results show that, at initial period of iterations, HS converges quickly but fails to converge to the global optimum as compared to DE algorithm.
机译:模拟电路标称设计的自动化大大减少了混合模式IC的整体上市时间。将元启发式优化算法与模拟器级别的适应性评估相结合,以评估电路规模是一种流行的自动化方法。在这项工作中,使用相同的方法,我们研究了Harmony Search(HS)算法的性能。 HS是一种相对较新的元启发法,其灵感来自音乐过程,其中人口代表着一群音乐家的记忆,他们寻求一种完美的和谐状态。将HS的性能与差分进化(DE)算法进行比较,以设计基于180nm CMOS工艺的,具有连续时间共模反馈的折叠式共源共栅运算跨导放大器(FCOTA)。结果表明,与DE算法相比,在迭代的初始阶段,HS收敛迅速,但未能收敛到全局最优值。



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