首页> 外文会议>2011 IEEE International Professional Communication Conference >Workshop in conducting integrative literature reviews

Workshop in conducting integrative literature reviews




This workshop provides a high-level overview of the process for preparing an integrative literature review. An “integrative literature review is a form of research that reviews, critiques, and synthesizes representative literature on a topic in an integrated way such that new frameworks and perspectives on the topic are generated” (Torraco, 2005, p. 356) This workshop first explains why integrative literature reviews are becoming increasingly popular in research circles, then contrasts integrative literature reviews with meta-analyses, meta-syntheses and other related forms of advanced literature reviews, as well as with more traditional literature reviews. Next, this workshop describes methodological considerations for finding, including, and excluding studies; processes for reviewing and classifying the literature, analyzing the resulting data, and the four types of findings that typical integrative literature reviews typically report. The workshop closes by directing participants to samples of integrative literature reviews and identifying considerations for submitting these reviews to peer-reviewed publications. To guide participants through this experience, this workshop is built around a sample literature review project. Participants will practice the skills taught by applying them to the sample project. For example, to illustrate methodological considerations, participants will identify characteristics for including and excluding studies in a search and, later, will receive a sample list of studies to determine whether or not to actually include them in the review.
机译:该讲习班对准备综合文献综述的过程提供了高层次的概述。 “综合文学评论是一种研究形式,以一种综合的方式评论,批判和综合有关一个主题的代表性文献,从而产生关于该主题的新框架和观点”(Torraco,2005年,第356页)。解释为什么综合文学评论在研究界变得越来越流行,然后将综合文学评论与元分析,元综合和其他相关形式的高级文学评论以及更传统的文学评论进行对比。接下来,本研讨会描述了寻找,包括和排除研究的方法学注意事项;文献复习和分类,分析所得数据以及典型的综合性文献复习通常报告的四种类型的发现的过程。研讨会的闭幕是指导参与者注意综合文献评论的样本,并确定将这些评论提交给同行审阅的出版物的注意事项。为了指导参与者获得这种经验,本研讨会围绕一个样本文献复习项目而构建。参与者将通过将其应用到示例项目中来练习所教授的技能。例如,为了说明方法上的考虑,参与者将确定在搜索中包括和排除研究的特征,然后,将接收研究的样本列表,以确定是否将其实际包括在评论中。



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