
Scout: High-Performance Heterogeneous Computing Made Simple




Researchers must often write their own simulation and analysis software. During this process they simultaneously confront both computational and scientific problems. Current strategies for aiding the generation of performance-oriented programs do not abstract the software development from the science. Furthermore, the problem is becoming increasingly complex and pressing with the continued development of many-core and heterogeneous (CPU-GPU) architectures. To achieve high performance, scientists must expertly navigate both software and hardware. Co-design between computer scientists and research scientists can alleviate but not solve this problem. The science community requires better tools for developing, optimizing, and future-proofing codes, allowing scientists to focus on their research while still achieving high computational performance. Scout is a parallel programming language and extensible compiler framework targeting heterogeneous architectures. It provides the abstraction required to buffer scientists from the constantly-shifting details of hardware while still realizing high-performance by encapsulating software and hardware optimization within a compiler framework.
机译:研究人员必须经常编写自己的仿真和分析软件。在此过程中,他们同时面临计算和科学问题。当前用于辅助生成面向性能的程序的策略并未从科学中抽象出软件开发。此外,随着多核和异构(CPU-GPU)架构的不断发展,问题变得越来越复杂和迫切。为了获得高性能,科学家必须熟练地浏览软件和硬件。计算机科学家和研究科学家之间的共同设计可以缓解但不能解决此问题。科学界需要更好的工具来开发,优化和面向未来的代码,使科学家能够专注于他们的研究,同时仍能实现较高的计算性能。 Scout是一种针对异构体系结构的并行编程语言和可扩展编译器框架。它提供了所需的抽象,可以使科学家从不断变化的硬件细节中缓冲下来,同时通过将软件和硬件优化封装在编译器框架中来实现高性能。



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