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Vibrate-to-unlock: Mobile phone assisted user authentication to multiple personal RFID tags




Personal RFID tags store valuable information private to their users that can easily be subject to eavesdropping, unauthorized reading, owner tracking, and cloning. RFID tags are also susceptible to relay attacks and likely to get lost and stolen. In this paper, we introduce the problem of user authentication to RFID tags. This allows users to control when and where their RFID tags can be accessed. We present a novel approach for user authentication to multiple RFID tags called “Vibrate-to-Unlock” (VtU). This technique uses a mobile phone as an authentication token, forming an unidirectional tactile communication channel between users and their RFID tags. Authenticating to an RFID tag involves touching a vibrating phone to the tag or an object carrying the tag, such as a wallet. We discuss the design and implementation of this new method on Intel''s WISP tags. We also report on a preliminary usability evaluation of our VtU prototype.
机译:个人RFID标签存储了宝贵的信息,这些信息对用户来说是私有的,很容易遭到窃听,未授权阅读,所有者跟踪和克隆。 RFID标签还容易受到中继攻击,并可能丢失和被盗。在本文中,我们向RFID标签介绍了用户身份验证的问题。这使用户可以控制何时何地可以访问其RFID标签。我们提出了一种用于多个RFID标签的用户身份验证的新颖方法,称为“振动解锁”(VtU)。该技术将移动电话用作身份验证令牌,从而在用户及其RFID标签之间形成单向触觉通信通道。对RFID标签进行身份验证涉及将振动电话与标签或带有标签的物体(例如钱包)接触。我们将讨论此新方法在英特尔WISP标签上的设计和实现。我们还报告了对VtU原型的初步可用性评估。



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