首页> 外文会议>International conference on computational structures technology;CST 2010 >Safety Requirements and Crashworthiness for an Unbelted Occupant

Safety Requirements and Crashworthiness for an Unbelted Occupant




Air bags and safety belts are very important to a vehicle's crash worthiness and occupant restraint.In the early 1970s, low seatbelt usage was the major driving force behind the development of the air bag system. To be effective a belt system needs to be fastened before the accident, however, an air bag is a "passive" device. It can be inflated early during vehicle frontal crush and requires no action by the occupant.Due to the drive toward passive restraints, early air bags, developed for the US market, were large and relatively high powered. A larger, stiffer bag would provide three major benefits to an unbelted occupant: (i) reduce the restraint slack, which is the amount of unrestrained forward free travel of the occupant before making contact with the restrain or the cars interior, (ii) protecting an occupant that is not directly in line with the bag. Especially those in cars with bench seating, and (iii) absorb the force generated during the unrestrained movement.In this paper, the effects of bag stiffness and restraint slack on the deceleration of the occupant, in particular maximum acceleration seen by the occupant, time of maximum acceleration, and the deformation to the restraint is studied.A simple, yet effective mathematical model a will be established to describe the occupant movement during a frontal crash. The model parameters will be varied to simulate a belted and unbelted occupant, and the restraint factors in occupant performance will be examined.It will also be shown that a restraint system that meets the requirements for an unbelted test may not necessarily give an optimum performance and safety protection for a belted occupant.
机译:安全气囊和安全带对于车辆的耐撞性和乘员约束非常重要。 1970年代初期,安全带使用率低是安全气囊系统发展的主要推动力。为了有效,安全带系统需要在事故发生之前系紧,但是,安全气囊是一种“被动”装置。它可以在车辆前部压扁时尽早充气,并且不需要乘员采取任何行动。 由于趋向于被动约束,为美国市场开发的早期安全气囊体积较大且动力较高。更大,更结实的行李袋将为不系安全带的乘客提供三大好处:(i)减少约束松弛,即乘客与约束或车厢内部接触之前不受约束的向前自由行的距离,(ii)保护不直接与行李袋对齐的乘员。尤其是那些带有长椅的汽车,以及(iii)吸收在不受约束的运动过程中产生的力。 在本文中,研究了袋的刚度和约束松弛对乘员减速的影响,特别是乘员看到的最大加速度,最大加速度的时间以及约束变形。 将建立一个简单而有效的数学模型来描述正面碰撞过程中的乘员运动。将改变模型参数以模拟安全带和未系安全带的乘员,并将检查乘员性能的限制因素。 还将表明,满足无带测试要求的约束系统不一定能为有安全带的乘员提供最佳的性能和安全保护。



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