首页> 外文会议>IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting >Long-Term Performance in Providing Voltage Support by PV and Storage Systems in Distribution Networks

Long-Term Performance in Providing Voltage Support by PV and Storage Systems in Distribution Networks




Many distribution utilities are facing with the challenge to integrate increasing amounts of photovoltaic (PV) systems. Battery energy storage systems (BESSs) can be used for supporting producers and distribution system operators to give more flexibility to the network in terms of dispatching capability of PV, load shifting, peak shaving, ancillary services. This paper proposes to support locally voltage profiles by means of PV with co-located BESS in order to maximize, as much as possible, the active power production reducing the exchange of reactive power. If BESSs are not able to support voltage profiles, the modulation of the PV production is taken into account. Long-term analysis is performed on a real Italian test MV network taking into account the capability curves of power-electronic PV and BESS interfaces.
机译:许多分销公用事业面临着整合增加量的光伏(PV)系统的挑战。电池储能系统(BESSS)可用于支持生产商和分销系统运营商,以便在PV的调度能力方面对网络提供更大的灵活性,负载转移,峰值剃须,辅助服务。本文提出通过PV与共同位于BES的PV来支持局部电压型材,以便尽可能地最大限度地提高有源电力生产来减少无功功率的交换。如果BESS无法支持电压配置文件,则考虑到PV生产的调制。考虑到电力 - 电子光伏和贝塞界面的能力曲线,对真正的意大利测试MV网络进行了长期分析。



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