
Role management diversity in emergency situations




In emergency organizations, shift planning and role management of human resources are basis for managing daily operative work. However, it is challenging due to the emergencies' situation-driven demands and varying human resource needs. Emergencies can be unexpected and dynamic, escalating and prolonging. Available human resources to function in needed roles and related tasks depend on many variables like persons' reachability, location of the incident and personnel, time of the day, type of the incident, and weather conditions. Personnel can operate in various roles as the incident may require. The roles have predefined skill requirements and access rights to information and information systems. The roles can change dynamically several times during a shift or period of the incident. The role can change within organization or across organizational boundaries. Many of the information systems used often lack adequate role-based shift planning, monitoring, and dynamic role changes. Traceability of the time used in each role by a person should be monitored in the system level. Thus, the systems should support monitoring workloads of human resources and ensure, as needed, also justified distribution of work based on different roles. The research of this paper is based on empirical data from various geographically distributed Finnish emergency organizations. The unique Finnish emergency response center (ERC) model has been also significant for the study, because it differs from most other countries in that it consists of authorities' joint emergency response centers. Further, the ERC is a central organization in information exchange and messaging in emergency situations. The joint centers take all emergency calls and alert the necessary authorities directly and simultaneously based on the risk assessment. Multiple authorities' information and information systems are accessed and used, thus relevant laws and policies affect the access rights and information exchange. F--urther, traceability of the accessed information and the role in which it has been accessed are important. Role management is a key element in system and operative level in emergency organizations' environment where dynamic shift and role changes occur within or between organizations and persons. Firstly, current challenges in emergency organizations' shift planning and role management are detailed and similarities analyzed. Secondly, a generic role-based model for human resource attribute description is proposed. Thirdly, a virtual role concept is outlined and the benefits it can introduce in information system level and what implications it has to system design are discussed.
机译:在紧急组织中,轮班计划和人力资源角色管理是管理日常操作工作的基础。但是,由于紧急情况导致的需求和不断变化的人力资源需求,这具有挑战性。紧急情况可能是意料之外的,动态的,不断升级和延长的。在所需角色和相关任务中可用的人力资源取决于许多变量,例如人员的可到达性,事件和人员的位置,一天中的时间,事件的类型以及天气情况。人员可以根据事件的需要扮演各种角色。这些角色具有预定义的技能要求以及对信息和信息系统的访问权限。在事件的轮班或期间,角色可以动态更改几次。角色可以在组织内或跨组织边界变化。所使用的许多信息系统通常缺乏基于角色的适当轮班计划,监控和动态角色更改。应该在系统级别上监视人员在每个角色中使用的时间的可追溯性。因此,系统应支持监视人力资源的工作量,并根据需要确保根据不同角色合理分配工作。本文的研究基于来自各个地理分布的芬兰应急组织的经验数据。芬兰独特的紧急事件响应中心(ERC)模型对于该研究也具有重要意义,因为它与大多数其他国家/地区不同,因为它由当局的联合紧急响应中心组成。此外,ERC是紧急情况下信息交换和消息传递的中央组织。联合中心会接听所有紧急电话,并根据风险评估直接并同时向必要的部门发出警报。可以访问和使用多个机构的信息和信息系统,因此相关的法律和政策会影响访问权限和信息交换。 F- -- 此外,所访问信息的可追溯性以及所访问信息的作用也很重要。角色管理是紧急组织环境中系统和运营级别的关键要素,在这些环境中,组织与人员之间或组织之间发生动态变化和角色变化。首先,详细介绍了紧急组织的轮班计划和角色管理中的当前挑战,并分析了它们的相似性。其次,提出了一种基于角色的通用人力资源属性描述模型。第三,概述了虚拟角色概念,并讨论了它可以在信息系统级别引入的好处以及它对系统设计的影响。



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