首页> 外文会议>2010 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing >Replication-Based Highly Available Metadata Management for Cluster File Systems

Replication-Based Highly Available Metadata Management for Cluster File Systems




In cluster file systems, the metadata management is critical to the whole system. Past researches mainly focus on journaling which alone is not enough to provide high-available metadata service. Some others try to use replication, but the extra latency accompanied is a main problem. To guarantee both availability and efficiency, we propose a mechanism for building highly available metadata servers based on replication, which integrates Paxos algorithm effectively into metadata service. The Packed Multi-Paxos is proposed to reduce the latency brought by replication, which is self-adaptive and can make the replication to achieve high throughput under heavy client load and low latency under light client load. By designing efficient architecture and coordination mechanism, all replica server nodes simultaneously provide metadata read-access service. This high-available mechanism could decrease the impact of server failures and there is no interruption of service. The performance results show that the latency caused by replication and redundancy is well under control, and the performance of metadata read operation gains improvement.
机译:在群集文件系统中,元数据管理对于整个系统至关重要。过去的研究主要集中在日志记录上,仅靠日志记录不足以提供高可用性的元数据服务。其他一些尝试使用复制,但是伴随的额外延迟是一个主要问题。为了保证可用性和效率,我们提出了一种基于复制构建高可用性元数据服务器的机制,该机制将Paxos算法有效地集成到元数据服务中。提出了Packed Multi-Paxos,以减少复制带来的延迟,该延迟是自适应的,可以使复制在客户端负载较重的情况下实现高吞吐量,而在客户端负载较轻的情况下实现低延迟。通过设计有效的体系结构和协调机制,所有副本服务器节点同时提供元数据读取访问服务。这种高可用性机制可以减少服务器故障的影响,并且不会中断服务。性能结果表明,由复制和冗余引起的等待时间可以很好地控制,并且元数据读取操作的性能得到改善。



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