
Manufacturing Process for 3D Nano-Engineered Composite Materials with Aligned Carbon Nanotubes Grown In Situ




3D nano-engineered carbon nanotube (CNT) composite plates were manufactured for the first time by a vacuum-assisted resin infusion process. Such processing expands significantly upon the work already developed using hand-layup to a more scalable and relevant processing technology. Alumina-fiber woven fabric with aligned CNTs grown in situ served as reinforcement. Aligned CNTs were grown on the surface of alumina fibers by chemical vapor deposition (CVD), creating a nanoscale, "fuzzy fiber (FF)" hierarchical architecture. FF woven fabric and plain alumina woven fabric plates were fabricated using an unmodified aerospace-grade resin-transfer-molding epoxy using vacuum-assisted resin infusion. Optical and scanning electron microscope (SEM) images indicate that composites with and without CNTs were completely impregnated by the resin to the same extent, with less than 1% void fraction in first attempts, and CNTs remained on the surface of alumina fibers after the infusion process. Electrical and mechanical testing of these FF infusion-processed laminates is in progress, and preliminary electrical impedance data is presented herein. This process should greatly simplify the development of new composite materials with significantly enhanced multifunctional properties as has been demonstrated previously for the same architecture processed via hand lay-up. Further refinement of the process parameters is expected to yield lower void-fraction materials as has been demonstrated during refinement of the hand lay-up process for fuzzy fiber reinforced plastics (FFRPs).
机译:通过真空辅助树脂灌注工艺首次制造了3D纳米工程碳纳米管(CNT)复合板。这样的处理大大扩展了已经使用手工布局开发的工作,从而具有更强的可扩展性和相关性。具有在原位生长的排列的CNT的氧化铝纤维机织织物用作增强材料。对齐的CNT通过化学气相沉积(CVD)在氧化铝纤维的表面上生长,从而形成了纳米级的“模糊纤维(FF)”层次结构。 FF机织织物和氧化铝平纹织物板是使用未改性的航空级树脂转移成型环氧树脂通过真空辅助树脂灌注制成的。光学和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)图像表明,含和不含CNT的复合材料完全被树脂浸渍到相同的程度,第一次尝试的空隙率小于1%,并且在注入后CNT保留在氧化铝纤维的表面上过程。这些FF灌注处理的层压板的电气和机械测试正在进行中,此处提供了初步的电阻抗数据。此过程应大大简化具有显着增强的多功能性能的新复合材料的开发,如先前通过手工铺贴处理的相同结构所证明的那样。正如在模糊纤维增强塑料(FFRPs)的手工铺网工艺的改进过程中所证明的那样,工艺参数的进一步改进有望产生较低的空隙率材料。


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