




Advanced vehicular technologies have been increasingly popular since they improve fuel economy. Automobiles with variable cylinder management are capable of turning on/off the cylinders in order to optimize the fuel consumption. Hybrid vehicles such as hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) or hydraulic hybrid vehicles (HHVs) allow the engines to operate in the most efficient region. Besides, the hybrid technology includes capturing the braking energy, otherwise wasted as heat, to aid the acceleration. However, the enhancement in fuel efficiency comes with unbalance, shock and wider range of frequency vibration. Noise and vibration is actually one of the main obstacles in commercializing the HHV technology.This study is to design a vibration isolator to work for HHVs effectively and economically. The vibration profile of HHVs is proven to include both shock load at the switches of power sources and wide frequency range of vibration. That the HHVs engine is turned on/off frequently and the hydraulic pumps/motors operate between 0 and 2000RPM, corresponding to 0-300Hz, poses difficult challenges for the isolation system. Rubber mounts are cheap, but only good for static load support and suitable for low power engine. Passive hydraulic mounts are only effective for conventional engines with unvarying working schedules. On the other hand, the active mounts are responsive for any condition, but too costly for commercial vehicles. Semi-active mounts with magnetorheological fluid (MRF) have been researched and recognized as a highly potential solution for hydraulic hybrid vehicles.The semi-active MRF mount is constructed very similar to a conventional hydraulic mount. However, the working fluid is an MRF which can quickly change its characteristics when the magnetic field is present. The main features of the MRF mountinclude multiple controllable MR valves, utilizing the flow (valve) mode, to connect the top and bottom fluid chambers. In addition, the mount is also capable of employing the fluid in squeeze mode. The structure of the MRF mount allows the stiffness and damping to be controlled in real time. The controllability makes the mount tunable to particularly fit the requirements of the HHVs. In this study, a mathematical model was constructed to predict the performance of the mount. The parameters were tuned so that the mount is effective within the whole operating frequency range of the HHVs vibration.
机译:先进的汽车技术提高了燃油经济性,因此越来越受欢迎。具有可变气缸管理功能的汽车能够打开/关闭气缸,以优化燃油消耗。混合动力汽车,例如混合动力电动汽车(HEV)或液压混合动力汽车(HHV),可使发动机在最高效的区域运行。此外,混合动力技术还包括捕获制动能量(否则会浪费为热量)以帮助加速。但是,燃油效率的提高伴随着不平衡,冲击和更大范围的频率振动。噪声和振动实际上是将HHV技术商业化的主要障碍之一。 这项研究旨在设计一种能有效且经济地为HHV工作的隔振器。事实证明,HHV的振动分布图包括电源开关处的冲击负载和较宽的振动频率范围。 HHV发动机频繁开/关,并且液压泵/马达在0到2000RPM之间运行,对应于0-300Hz,这对隔离系统提出了艰巨的挑战。橡胶安装座价格便宜,但仅适用于静态负载支撑,适用于低功率发动机。被动式液压支架仅适用于工作时间表不变的常规发动机。另一方面,主动式安装架可在任何情况下做出响应,但对于商用车而言成本太高。具有磁流变液(MRF)的半主动式支架已经得到研究,并被认为是液压混合动力汽车的极具潜力的解决方案。 半主动MRF支架的构造与常规液压支架非常相似。但是,工作流体是MRF,当存在磁场时,它可以快速改变其特性。 MRF支架的主要特征 包括多个可控MR阀,利用流量(阀)模式连接顶部和底部流体腔。另外,该支架还能够以挤压模式使用流体。 MRF支架的结构允许实时控制刚度和阻尼。可控性使安装座可调,以特别适合HHV的要求。在这项研究中,建立了一个数学模型来预测安装座的性能。对参数进行了调整,以使安装座在HHV振动的整个工作频率范围内有效。



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