首页> 外文会议>17th ACM SIGSPATIAL international conference on advances in geographic information systems 2009 >Sea Floor Bathymetry Trackline Surface Fitting Without Visible Artifacts Using ODETLAP

Sea Floor Bathymetry Trackline Surface Fitting Without Visible Artifacts Using ODETLAP




High quality, artifact-free fitting a bathymetry (sea-floor) surface to very unevenly spaced depth data from ship track-lines is possible with ODETLAP (Overdetermined Laplacian Partial Differential Equation). The problem is that many data points, but with imprecise values, can be collected along and near the ships, e.g., with Multibeam Bathymetry, but there are no data between the tracklines, which may be a considerable distance apart. The numerous artifacts of previous surface fitting algorithms were so totally unacceptable that even Photoshop has been used to smooth them. In contrast, the implementation of this version of ODETLAP generates surfaces that do not exhibit artifacts even when displayed with techniques that highlight minor slope irregularities, which is, in the authors' opinion, the most appropriate evaluation metric. Since the data is imprecise, ODET-LAP's surface approximates, rather than interpolates, the data. ODETLAP can trade off smoothness and accuracy to capture the small features that are not artifacts. This extension to ODETLAP is a variable smoothness parameter so that points distant from a known depth are smoothed differently from points close to a known depth. The broader implication is that ODETLAP is a very powerful algorithm with many applications. The Matlab implementation is freely available for nonprofit research and education.
机译:使用ODETLAP(过度确定的拉普拉斯偏微分方程),可以将测深图(海底)与来自船舶航迹线的深度数据非常不均匀地匹配在一起,从而获得高质量的无伪影。问题在于,例如,利用多波束测深法,可以沿船及其附近收集许多数据点,但其值不精确,但是在航迹线之间没有数据,这可能相距相当大的距离。以前的曲面拟合算法的众多工件非常令人无法接受,以至于甚至都使用Photoshop对其进行了平滑处理。相反,此版本的ODETLAP的实现即使在使用突出较小坡度不规则性的技术进行显示时也不会产生伪像的表面,这在作者看来是最合适的评估指标。由于数据不精确,因此ODET-LAP的表面近似于数据,而不是对数据进行插值。 ODETLAP可以权衡平滑度和准确性来捕获不是伪像的小特征。对ODETLAP的扩展是一个可变的平滑度参数,因此,距已知深度的点的平滑度与距已知深度的点的平滑度不同。更广泛的含义是,ODETLAP是一种非常强大的算法,具有许多应用程序。 Matlab实施可免费用于非营利性研究和教育。



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