
OLED displays in a ground-mobile application




OLED technology has matured sufficiently to consider it a realistic candidate for military display applications. Manufacturing sources are transitioning from an early developer to a business focused and often rationalised supply base that already has a sustainable business model. New commercial products, with a growing list of applications are slowly swelling the list of available OLED display components that can be considered for military requirements. This paper describes an exploratory application of OLED technology to the Towed Artillery Digitisation (TAD) programme. The Gunners Display function in this system endures the most difficult environment available in Army programmes. By replicating the Gunners Display, we have confirmed that OLED technology is compatible with and technically almost ready for rugged military applications using newly available commercial sources.
机译:OLED技术已经足够成熟,可以认为它是军事显示应用的现实选择。制造资源正在从早期的开发人员过渡到以业务为中心并且通常已经合理化的供应基础,而该供应基础已经具有可持续的商业模式。随着应用程序列表的增加,新的商业产品正逐渐增加可用于军事需求的OLED显示组件的数量。本文介绍了OLED技术在拖曳炮兵数字化(TAD)程序中的探索性应用。该系统中的炮手显示功能可以承受陆军计划中最困难的环境。通过复制Gunners Display,我们已经确认OLED技术可以使用新的商业来源与坚固的军事应用兼容,并且在技术上几乎已经准备就绪。



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