
SLAIS: SAGE-Lite Agent Information System




Escalation in the use of lightweight devices leads us to create a concrete base for future nomadic applications, positioned in a changing environment. In this paper, a framework is presented that manages agent communication in a wireless environment. Application development on handheld devices using software agent technology is becoming more and more popular around the world. The agent based framework delivers a general agent organization in which the software agents search for user required services in a location based environment. People often tend to ask question within geographical areas, instead of inquiring from unknown persons they search for information from the light weight agent residing on a mobile device using Bluetooth technology. The main objective is to allow light weight agents to participate in flexible communicating environment directly from users' cellular phones or PDAs. Since agents communicate via sending and receiving ACL messages, this architecture will minimize communication latency within the platform. We present the architecture in detail and describe the opportunities offered by the system. Application development on handheld devices using software agent technology is becoming more and more popular around the world.



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