首页> 外文会议>2007年世界政治经济学学会第二届论坛论文集 >Taylorism, Fordism, Toyotism, or the History of Capitalist Rationalization of Labor

Taylorism, Fordism, Toyotism, or the History of Capitalist Rationalization of Labor




@@The history of capitalist rationalization of labor is the history of capitalist ways ofraising exploitation of workers. In the first book of Capital, Marx devotes many pages tothese policies of employers for increasing surplus value.It is interesting to note that Fredefick Winslow Taylor took up the reflection whereMarx left it, but in the service of employers. He decomposed labor into tasks (as thedivision of labor of the manufacture had done before him) and the task into gestures. Eachone of those gestures was then analyzed. Implicitly, he then decomposed the latter and inparticular the time each gesture represented into three categories, which were to be essentialfor every rationalization of labor:
机译:资本主义合理化劳动的历史就是资本主义提高对工人剥削的方式的历史。在《资本论》的第一本书中,马克思为增加剩余价值而对雇主的这些政策投入了很多篇幅。有趣的是,弗雷德里克·温斯洛·泰勒(Fredefick Winslow Taylor)进行了思考,把马克思留在了那里,但是是为雇主服务的。他将劳动分解为任务(就像在他之前进行制造的劳动分工一样),并且将任务分解为手势。然后分析这些手势中的每个手势。然后,他隐式地将后者分解,尤其是将每个手势所代表的时间分解为三类,这对于每次劳动合理化都是必不可少的:



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