首页> 外文会议>第12届国际数学地质大会 >Log-Probability Model vs. Logistic Model for Weights of Evidence Method

Log-Probability Model vs. Logistic Model for Weights of Evidence Method




Weighs of evidence method, as a spatial decision model, integrates map layers to update information related to prediction of spatial events (often but not limited to point events). Overlay each evidential layer further partition the study areas into smaller sub-areas (polygons with clear geological meaning) with updated posterior probability of having points per unit area. From multiplicative cascade processes point of view, mineralization can be viewed as non-linear processes resulting in element concentration anomalous enrichment and depletion in the country rocks. These two types of processes have some thing in common that both can be modeled using power-law relations of influences and scales. This paper proposes a new log-linear model can be used in weights of evidence method on the basis of local singularity theory which has been proposed for mapping geo-anomalies for delineating mineral potential targets. A new index similar to the singularity has been introduced to form a log-linear model for integrating evidential layers. The model can be used as alternative to the conventional logistic model used in weights of evidence method and logistic regression model. The new model is simple both because its simplicity for understanding and implementation.



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