首页> 外文会议>国际照明委员会(CIE)第26届大会 >Universal-design led traffic signals for colour-deficient drivers

Universal-design led traffic signals for colour-deficient drivers




It is pointed out that for the colour-deficient drivers, red and yellow traffic signals are indistinguishable. The prototype presented here gives a solution with the underlying concept of "Universal Design." A mark as "X" on red signal can be seen at 100m distance only by the colour deficient drivers, while the normal vision cannot see. This elegant design exhibits the inverse "Ishihara's Test" concept; ironically applied the phenomenon, where the colour blind can be more sensitive at a certain combination of colours than the normal vision.Protanopes and deuteranopes, colour blind, show relatively higher luminous efficiency at the shorter range (i.e., blue) rather than at the longer range (i.e., red) of wavelengths, which means that these similarly observed colour combination of red and red purple will be observed for the colour blind as if strongly contrasted "opaque brown" and "clear blue." The fact implies that the pictograph can be more visionary identical to colour blind.The prototype tested, for the first step of experiment, different levels of purple colours for "X" on a red LED panel. As the blue element within the purple colour increased, the threshold distance to first recognize the purple coloure "X" pictograph increased. The ratio of this threshold distance of the colour blind found in the experiment was 1.5~2.0 times longer than that of the normal vision. For the second step of experiment, keeping the colour of "X" was fixed red; the luminance of "X" was decreased gradually. The result showed that the colour blind was more sensitive to the luminance difference than the normal vision. For the third step experiment, the above two methods was combined, which showed a significant improvement in the performance of the traffic signal.The design of this prototype Universal-Design LED traffic signal will be readily applicable to the actual intersections, contributing to enhancing the public safety.
机译:要指出的是,对于颜色不足的驾驶员,红色和黄色的交通信号是无法区分的。这里介绍的原型提供了具有“通用设计”基本概念的解决方案。红色信号上标记为“ X”的标记只能由色差驱动程序在100m的距离上看到,而普通视力则看不到。这种优雅的设计展现了与“石原测试”相反的概念。具有讽刺意味的是,这种现象在特定的颜色组合下色盲比正常视觉更敏感。 色盲的百足虫和氘代人猿在较短范围(即蓝色)而不是较长范围(即红色)的波长下显示相对较高的发光效率,这意味着这些类似观察到的红色和红色紫色的颜色组合将是观察到色盲,就好像强烈对比了“不透明的棕色”和“清澈的蓝色”。事实表明,象形文字在视觉上可以与色盲相同。 对于实验的第一步,该原型在红色LED面板上测试了不同级别的“ X”紫色颜色。随着紫色内的蓝色元素增加,首先识别紫色“ X”象形文字的阈值距离增加。实验中发现的色盲阈值距离之比是正常视力的1.5〜2.0倍。对于实验的第二步,将“ X”的颜色保持为红色;将“ X”的颜色保持为红色。 “ X”的亮度逐渐降低。结果表明,色盲比正常视觉对亮度差异更敏感。对于第三步实验,将以上两种方法结合起来,显示出交通信号性能的显着改善。 该通用设计LED交通信号灯原型的设计将很容易应用于实际的十字路口,从而有助于提高公共安全性。



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