
Global cooling: effect of urban albedo on global temperature




In many urban areas, pavements and roofs constitute over 60% of urban surfaces (roof 20-25%, pavements about 40%). The roof and the pavement albedo can be increased by about 0.25 and 0.10. respectively, resulting in a net albedo increase for urban areas of about 0.1. Many studies have demonstrated building cooling-energy savings in excess of 20% upon raising roof reflectivity from an existing 10-20% to about 60%. We estimate U.S. potential savings in excess of $1 billion (B) per year in net annual energy bills. Increasing albedo of urban surfaces can reduce the summertime urban temperature and improve the urban air quality. Increasing the urban albedo has the added benefit of reflecting more of the incoming global solar radiation and countering the effect of global wanning. We estimate that increasing albedo of urban areas by 0.1 results in an increase of 3×10~(-4) in Earth albedo. Using a simple global model, the change in air temperature in lowest 1.8 km of the atmosphere is estimated at 0.01K. Modelers predict a wanning of about 3K in the next 60 years (0.05K/year). Change of 0.1 in urban albedo will result in 0.01K global cooling, a delay of-0.2 years in global wanning. This 0.2 years delay in global warming is equivalent to 10 Gt reduction in CO2 emissions.
机译:在许多城市地区,人行道和屋顶占城市表面的60%以上(屋顶占20-25%,人行道约占40%)。屋顶和人行道反照率可以分别增加0.25和0.10。分别导致市区的净反照率增加约0.1。许多研究表明,通过将屋顶反射率从现有的10-20%提高到约60%,建筑物的节能量可节省20%以上。我们估计美国每年的净年度能源账单可节省超过10亿美元(B)。增加城市表面的反照率可以降低夏季的城市温度并改善城市空气质量。增加城市反照率的附加好处是可以反射更多的传入全球太阳辐射并抵消全球变暖的影响。我们估计,城市反照率增加0.1会导致地球反照率增加3×10〜(-4)。使用一个简单的全局模型,在最低的1.8 km大气层中,气温的变化估计为0.01K。建模人员预测,未来60年(0.05K /年)将减少约3K。城市反照率变​​化0.1会导致0.01K的全球降温,全球变暖的延迟为-0.2年。全球变暖这一0.2年的延迟相当于减少了10 Gt的CO2排放量。


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