首页> 外文会议>Conference on Human factors in computing systems;CHI '07 >Towards a quantitative analysis of audio scrolling interfaces

Towards a quantitative analysis of audio scrolling interfaces




We present the results of a user study inspired by previous work in document navigation comparing rate and position control for navigating an audio timeline. Although interfaces for controlling playback speed (rate) are favored over playback position, we found that position control is, on average, 15-19% faster than rate control when searching for targets 90 to 100 seconds away in the audio timeline. Additional studies are being planned to further characterize audio scrolling performance with position and rate controls.>>> af++ BRPI0410511A . 2006-06-20

机译:规定将从假定的生物或与这些物质相互作用的合成物质获得的不同类型的生物物质按照假定的方式有序地排列和固定,以一种有序方式生产识别方法基因型鉴定,基因诊断方法,鉴定人类基因型。筛选获得多种人类h虫痕量靶标的筛选方法,系统分析和显示基因型,局部定量分析系统,基因相互作用分析系统,筛选方法以选择通过人体交叉获得的h u00ecbridos的痕量靶标的各种转运方法。位点定量分析系统,痕量定量分析方法以分析生物的定量特征。与表达目的性状的基因相关的基因,机体多样性改良方法,相互作用系统分析

  • 机译:人机界面用于乘客舱等当界面处于滚动模式时,汽车可浏览音频标题列表,并具有不包含由驾驶员手指之一移动的光标的显示

  • 机译:定量相分析装置,定量相分析方法和定量相位分析程序

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