首页> 外文会议>Conference on Human factors in computing systems;CHI '07 >Using activity theory to develop a design framework for rural development

Using activity theory to develop a design framework for rural development




Many attempts to bridge the digital divide between lesser-developed countries (LDC) through Information & Communication Technology (ICT) projects have had little success. With the concurrent rise in number of ICT projects in rural areas, the current situation calls for better design. However, it is our claim that the nature of villages.being devoid of digital artifacts.requires much of HCI theory and methodologies to be re-examined. HCI theory has evolved in urban environments over the past 30 years and may not be suitable for the village environment. However, Activity Theory lends itself well to these environments as its primary focus is on pre-existing activities and goals rather than digital artifacts themselves. Using this theory as basis, we examine past failures and successes of ICT interventions. From this examination we intend to derive a practical framework for guiding future HCI-design (HCID) in the developing world.>>> af++ US2014143005A1 . 2014-05-22

机译:PLM IN A BOX是用于产品制造商根据客户规范开发产品的产品生命周期管理解决方案的开发和实施过程中的专有过程。该过程建立了一个流程框架,以将客户项目链接到针对特定客户项目的产品设计,链接到与供应商就这些设计进行的设计交流,以及链接针对这些产品设计的工程变更通知。

  • 机译:在世界各国和世界均等的条件下,能够在世界范围内统一主页并发展世界范围内的通信网络,国家通信网络和系统的世界范围的国际统一通信理论开发方法

  • 机译:装有摄影用植物的胶囊,可在偏远地区(如农村地区,林地,高山或海洋)进行研究。il项目的设计使其不太可能筑巢或筑巢。

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