首页> 外文会议>Conference on Human factors in computing systems;CHI '07 >Comparing visualizations for tracking off-screen moving targets

Comparing visualizations for tracking off-screen moving targets




In games, aircraft navigation systems and in control systems, users have to track moving targets around a large workspace that may extend beyond the users. viewport. This paper presents on-going work that investigates the effectiveness of two different off-screen visualization techniques for accurately tracking off-screen moving targets. We compare the most common off-screen representation, Halo, with a new fisheye-based visualization technique called EdgeRadar. Our initial results show that users can track off-screen moving objects more accurately with EdgeRadar over Halos. This work presents a preliminary but promising step toward the design of visualization techniques for tracking off-screen moving targets.>>> af++ FR2794880A1 . 2000-12-15


  • 机译:预制零件在坚硬的道路或轨道上的对准,特别是对于铁路平板轨道永久性的对准,其中使用带有转速计的移动装置来测量目标点并比较实际位置和设置位置

  • 机译:运动目标跟踪方法比较测量的矢量和估计的矢量,以提供误差矢量,该误差矢量用于通过迭代过程提供校正的矢量

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