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Laser effect in photodynamic therapy of tumors




Photodynamic therapy is a method that provides a reasonable alternative to other treatment modalities for patients with certain cancers, and in some cases may be the preferred treatment. The therapy implies the intravenous administration of a light-sensitive substance, the photosensitizer. The used sensitizer must absorb at long wavelength. For these purposes, the carbon dioxide laser, He-Ne and the argon laser are particularly suitable. In this study we evaluate in vitro the cytotoxic activity of three synthesized metallo-phthalocyanines with absorption bands in the red part of the spectrum: zinc-di-sulphonated phthalocyanine (ZnS2Pc), zinc-tri-sulphonated phthalocyanine (ZnS3Pc) and zinc-tetrasulphonated phthalocyanine (ZnS4Pc). Some cellular models have been used in this paper, in order to optimize the conditions of this method, as we are presenting in this paper (LSR-SF(SR) - transplantable sarcoma in rat induced by Rous sarcoma virus strain Schmidt-Ruppin; LSCC-SF(Mc29) - transplantable chicken hepatoma induced by the myelocytomatosis virus Mc29, MCF-7 cell line (human breast adenocarcinoma) derived from a patient with metastatic breast cancer, 8-MG-BA - glioblastoma multiforme 8-MG-BA, KS62 - lymphoblastic human cell line, LLC-WRC 256 -Walker epithelial carcinoma. Activation of these photosensitizers retained in the cancerous cells, by red light emitted from a He-Ne laser at X= 632.8 nm laser system, or by a diode laser emitting at 672 nm, produces a photochemical reaction that results in the selective destruction of tumor cells.
机译:光动力疗法是为患者提供与某些癌症一个合理的替代其他治疗模式的方法,并且在一些情况下可能是首选的治疗方法。该疗法意味着光敏物质,光敏剂的静脉内给药。所使用的感光剂必须吸收在长波长。为了这些目的,二氧化碳激光器,He-Ne和氩激光是特别合适的。在这项研究中,我们在体外评估三种合成金属 - 酞菁与吸收带在光谱的红色部分中的细胞毒活性:锌二磺化的酞菁(ZnS2Pc),锌 - 三磺化的酞菁(ZnS3Pc)和锌 - 四磺酸基酞菁(ZnS4Pc)。一些蜂窝模型已经在本文中被使用,以优化该方法的条件下,如我们在本文中呈现(LSR-SF(SR) - 在由劳氏肉瘤病毒株施密特备平诱导的大鼠移植肉瘤;喉癌-SF(MC29) - 胶质母细胞瘤8-MG-BA,KS62 - 通过从转移性乳腺癌,8-MG-BA的患者来源的髓细胞瘤病病毒MC29,MCF-7细胞系(人乳腺癌)诱导移植鸡肝癌 - 淋巴细胞的人细胞系,这些光敏剂的LLC-WRC 256 -Walker上皮癌激活保留在癌细胞,通过从He-Ne激光器发出的红色光在X = 632.8nm的激光系统,或由二极管激光器发射在672纳米,产生在肿瘤细胞的选择性破坏结果的光化学反应。



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