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From strategy to plan - new revision of decommissioning and waste disposal programfor NPP Kr?ko

机译:从战略到计划-NPP Kr?ko的退役和废物处置计划的新修订



According to the requirements of the bilateral agreement between Republic of Slovenia andRepublic of Croatia on the legal and other obligations for Nuclear power plant (NPP) Kr?ko which is sharedbetween both republics the Program of NPP Kr?ko Decommissioning and SF and LILW Disposal (the Program)was prepared in 2004. The main purpose of the Program was to estimate the overall expenses of the futuredecommissioning, radioactive waste and spent fuel management of the NPP Kr?ko in order to establish separatefund in Croatia and to correct the rate per kWh collected in the existing decommissioning fund in Slovenia. Theprogram looked at all possible scenarios of dismantling, radioactive waste and spent fuel management andproposed the most plausible two scenarios which are technically possible and financially feasible. The Programincludes also the recommendations for the further work on the Program while the next revision of the Programshould be prepared in 5 years time,in 2009. To make good progress in the next revision serious preparationsincluding some strategic decisions have started immediately. While the Program from 2004 was prepared undertime pressure many important aspects of decommissioning and waste disposal were not sufficiently elaborated,some others were omitted from further investigation because of imposed boundary conditions. In 2005 ARAOand APO also joined the IAEA regional project on "Support to decommissioning of NPP's" under which IAEAexpert mission of the Program was performed. According to the IAEA expert mission recommendations firstPreliminary Decommissioning Plan (PDP) will have to be drawn up including a detailed cost estimation basedon pre-decommissioning characterization. In parallel other missing documents specifically on LILW and SFmanagement will be prepared according to the development of the projects. Finally the incorporation of thefindings of all different modules will be combined in the new revision of the Program. The paper will present thesolutions of the first 2004 revision and will describe the plans for preparation of the new revision of the Programin 2009.
机译:根据斯洛文尼亚共和国与 克罗地亚共和国关于核电站Kr?ko的法律和其他义务 两个共和国之间的NPP Kr?ko退役计划以及SF和LILW处置计划(该计划) 该计划于2004年编写。该计划的主要目的是估算未来的总费用。 NPP Kr?ko的退役,放射性废物和乏燃料管理,以便建立单独的 并在斯洛文尼亚的现有退役基金中更正每千瓦时的费率。这 该计划研究了拆除,放射性废物和乏燃料管理的所有可能情况,以及 提出了在技术上可行且在财务上可行的最合理的两种方案。该程序 还包括有关该程序的进一步工作的建议,同时对该程序的下一个修订版 应在5年内,即2009年进行准备。为在下一次修订中取得良好进展,认真准备 包括一些战略性决策已立即开始。虽然2004年的计划是根据 时间压力退役和废物处理的许多重要方面没有得到充分阐述, 由于强加了边界条件,其他一些则被排除在进一步调查之外。 2005年,ARAO 原子能机构和原子能机构还参加了国际原子能机构关于“支持核电厂退役”的区域项目,在该项目下,国际原子能机构 执行了该计划的专家任务。根据国际原子能机构专家团的建议,首先 必须制定初步的退役计划(PDP),其中包括基于成本的详细估算 在退役前进行表征。同时缺少其他有关LILW和SF的文档 将根据项目的发展情况进行管理。最后合并 该计划的新修订版将合并所有不同模块的调查结果。本文将介绍 2004年第一次修订的解决方案,并将描述该计划的新修订的准备计划 在2009年。



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