
Partial Discharge — A Valuable Stator Winding Evaluation Tool




This paper has been prepared to illustrate the value of partial discharge (PD) testing in assessing the condition of stator windings on operating generators and motors. Because of the magnitude of the data base accumulated by one particular PD system vendor during the last 15-20 years, this data base was chosen for study. It was felt that sufficient data had been accumulated to allow useful statistical analysis of the capabilities of PD testing. No attempt is made in the paper to provide technical background or details of the PD test/analysis processes. There are numerous technical papers and industry guides; the interested reader is referred to IEEE 1434, EPRI Reports [7,8], and other documents in the Bibliography. In particular, this present paper is based on information presented in more detail in Reference 13. This paper is based somewhat narrowly on data from only one company; however, there are several other companies involved in PD testing and evaluation. As described below in this paper, these companies have also been successful in identifying stator winding problems through the use of PD equipment. PD monitoring systems appear to be finding conditions of concern on about 6% of generators where the equipment is installed. Probably no other generator monitoring system exceeds this rate of problem detection. Because of the power of PD testing, it is hoped and expected that use of PD monitoring will continue to expand at a significant rate in both utility and i1ndustrial power plants.
机译:本文已准备好说明局部放电(PD)测试在评估运行中的发电机和电动机上定子绕组的状况时的价值。由于过去15到20年间一个特定的PD系统供应商积累的数据库规模巨大,因此选择该数据库进行研究。认为已经积累了足够的数据,可以对PD测试的能力进行有用的统计分析。本文未尝试提供PD测试/分析过程的技术背景或细节。有大量的技术论文和行业指南;有兴趣的读者可以参考IEEE 1434,EPRI报告[7,8]和参考书目中的其他文档。特别是,本文基于参考文献13中更详细地介绍的信息。但是,还有其他几家公司参与了PD测试和评估。如下文所述,这些公司还通过使用PD设备成功地确定了定子绕组问题。 PD监视系统似乎正在发现安装该设备的约6%的发电机所关注的条件。可能没有其他发电机监视系统超过此问题检测率。由于PD测试的强大功能,希望并期望在公用电厂和工业发电厂中,PD监视的使用将继续以显着速度增长。



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