首页> 外文会议>Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing vol.2 >On Best-Case Throughput of Cellular Data Networks with Cooperating Base Stations

On Best-Case Throughput of Cellular Data Networks with Cooperating Base Stations




In this paper, we consider a cellular radio system in which base stations cooperate over noise-free, infinite capacity wireline links. Attention is confined to the forward direction. A simple Poisson packet arrival process is assumed, and the ratio of traffic intended for each user is specified in advance. The channel between each base station and each mobile is randomly drawn but otherwise static. For this system, we combine physical level multi-user communication theory (in particular, Dirty Paper Coding) with a coupled queueing model to evaluate achievable delay and throughput. The service rates of the user queues are coupled by virtue of the system's multiuser capacity surface. An exact expression is found for the maximum achievable throughput for this system. A service discipline dependent on the emptyon-empty status of each queue is proposed and a fixed-point approximation is derived and applied to compute the average delay. Simulations confirm that the fixed-point approximation is an excellent approximation to the average delay.



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