首页> 外文会议>Offshore Technology Conference 2006: New Depths. New Horizons vol.1 >Intelligent Multilateral Wells Provide Significant Benefits in Environments Ranging From Heavy-Oil Shallow Onshore Wells to Difficult Subsea Well Construction

Intelligent Multilateral Wells Provide Significant Benefits in Environments Ranging From Heavy-Oil Shallow Onshore Wells to Difficult Subsea Well Construction




During the past decade, the oil and gas industry has implemented several new well completion technologies, such as multilaterals and intelligent well systems. These two technologies have independently proved themselves desirable because of their ability to reduce cons and/or increase production. The integration of these technologies into a single well bore offers synergistic opportunities for even greater well construction efficiencies and production optimization. This paper will discuss the merits of the individual technologies. In addition, it will provide two case histories of their combination in drastically different environments in order to show their ability to enhance reservoir value. Further as multilateral well bores have matured over the time, tri-lateral and quad-laterals have become as common as Bilateral wells. Multilaterals provide a cost effective venue to maximize reservoir contact in singular or multiple zones, while minimizing cost Moreover, with the on set of acceptance of multilateral technology into the main stream of the oil and gas industry, new issues have arisen; How to control the additional production while maintaining effective reservoir management? Intellegent Well Systems effectively eliminate the much desired but difficult issues by providing a flexable approach to manage the reservoir assets and eliminating costly wellbore interventions. Both technologies are as effective in off shore as they are in on shore applications.
机译:在过去的十年中,石油和天然气行业已经实施了多种新的完井技术,例如多边和智能井系统。由于这两种技术具有减少弊端和/或增加产量的能力,因此已独立证明它们是可取的。将这些技术集成到单个井眼中可提供协同增效的机会,从而进一步提高井的建设效率和生产优化。本文将讨论各个技术的优点。此外,它将提供两种在完全不同的环境中结合使用的案例历史记录,以显示它们提高储层价值的能力。随着多边井眼的逐渐成熟,三边井和四边井与双边井一样普遍。多边机构提供了一个经济有效的场所,可在单个或多个区域中最大化油藏联系,同时将成本降至最低。此外,随着多边技术在石油和天然气行业主流中的接受,出现了新的问题。如何在维持有效油藏管理的同时控制增产? Intellegent Well Systems通过提供一种灵活的方法来管理储层资产并消除昂贵的井筒干预,从而有效地消除了急需解决的难题。两种技术在海上应用都和在海上应用中一样有效。



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