




In May 2003, the Office of the Secretary of Defense's(OSD's) Office of Force Transformation (OFT) undertookan initiative to perform Operationally ResponsiveSpace (ORS) experimentation. Three years later, Tac-Sat-1, 2, 3, and 4 experiments are all underway; a statusof each is included in this paper. TacSat experiments arenow jointly selected each year via an iterative missiondevelopment process engaging the operational community,Coordinating Commands (COCOMs) and Services,and the Department of Defense (DoD) Science andTechnology (S&T) community. TacSat experimentationand funding has largely transitioned to the DoD S&Tcommunity with OSD's OFT continuing to provideguidance and bus standards development. Each TacSatexperiment tests key elements needed for an operationalsystem by taking frequent tangible steps to spiral capabilityand receive operational feedback, while movingtoward an acquisition. Operational experimentation is acore tenet of the ORS efforts and will continue toincrease as TacSats are launched and other tiers of assetsare added to the mix. ORS has also made significantstrides toward an operational system. The formal ORSConcepts of Operations (CONOPS) and requirementsare being developed by the US Strategic Command(STRATCOM) and the Services. These will likely to beformalized in the Joint Capabilities Interface DevelopmentSystem (JCIDS) process. Also, a Joint Office forORS coordination will be defined in fiscal year 2007.Because many ORS experiments and processes are nowin progress, this paper is oriented more toward the statusand relationships of efforts underway than toward newconcepts. As a result, this paper is related to a series ofpapers on TacSat and ORS: RSC papers 2003-3001,2004-5003, and 2005-1006 and ESA 4S 2006 papers#374584 and #378143 provide context and additionalinformation supporting this paper.
机译:2003年5月,国防部长办公室 (OSD)部队转型办公室(OFT)成立 主动执行行动响应的计划 太空(ORS)实验。三年后,Tac- Sat-1、2、3和4实验都在进行中;状态 每个都包含在本文中。 TacSat实验是 现在每年通过迭代任务共同选择 开发过程吸引了运营社区的参与, 协调命令(COCOM)和服务, 以及国防部(DoD)科学和 科技(S&T)社区。 TacSat实验 并且资金已大体上转移到了国防部的科学与技术 OSD的OFT继续提供社区服务 指导和公交标准制定。每个TacSat 实验测试操作所需的关键要素 通过频繁采取有形步骤来提高螺旋能力 并在移动时接收操作反馈 进行收购。操作实验是 ORS努力的核心宗旨,并将继续 随着TacSat的推出以及其他资产层的增加 被添加到混合。 ORS也取得了重大成就 迈向操作系统。正式的ORS 操作概念(CONOPS)和要求 由美国战略司令部开发 (STRATCOM)和服务。这些可能是 在联合能力接口开发中正式化 系统(JCIDS)流程。还有一个联合办公室 ORS协调将在2007财政年度进行定义。 因为现在有许多ORS实验和过程 在进行中时,本文的定位更趋向于现状 与努力的关系,而不是新的努力 概念。结果,本文涉及到一系列 关于TacSat和ORS的论文:RSC论文2003-3001, 2004-5003、2005-1006和ESA 4S 2006论文 #374584和#378143提供了上下文和其他内容 支持本文的信息。



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