
A secure GSM-based electronic Murabaha transaction




The Islamic economic system prohibits payment and receipt of interest on deposits and loans. As a result, Islamic banks offer financial instruments consistent with Islamic beliefs, e.g. Murabaha. A customer wishing to purchase goods requests the Islamic bank to purchase these items on his behalf and then sell them to him, with a certain amount of profit agreed upon added to the initial cost. The basic component of Murabaha is that the seller discloses the actual cost he has incurred in acquiring the goods, and then adds some profit thereon. Electronic payment protocols have been proposed to allow electronic commerce transactions based on Murabaha. This protocol requires the buyer to have a key pair for a digital signature scheme. This work presents a method for mobile secure electronic Murabaha transactions; this method uses a combination of the Internet, a GSM mobile device, and a hash-chain scheme related to S/KEY.
机译:伊斯兰经济体系禁止支付和收取存款和贷款利息。结果,伊斯兰银行提供了符合伊斯兰信仰的金融工具,例如穆拉巴哈。希望购买商品的客户要求伊斯兰银行代为购买这些物品,然后将其出售给他,并在初始成本上商定一定数量的利润。 Murabaha的基本组成部分是,卖方应披露其在购买商品时产生的实际成本,然后在此基础上增加一些利润。已经提出了电子支付协议,以允许基于Murabaha的电子商务交易。该协议要求购买者具有用于数字签名方案的密钥对。这项工作提出了一种用于移动安全电子Murabaha交易的方法。此方法结合了Internet,GSM移动设备和与S / KEY相关的哈希链方案的组合。



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