
Permeability and RRT Estimation from Conventional Logs in a Middle East Carbonate Reservoir Using Neural Network Approach




A complex carbonate reservoir of a giant on-shore structure incentral Abu Dhabi consists of a porous limestone sectiondivided by several stylolitic dense layers. The reservoir isheterogeneous. High and low permeability rock types co-existwithout much variation in log characteristics. Permeabilitychanges several orders of magnitude with no appreciablechange in porosity. Reservoir rock types and permeabilitymeasurements are available from 30 cored wells. The reservoiris penetrated by more than 100 vertical wells where open holelogs of various vintages are available. Estimation ofpermeability using conventional logs in the intervals and wellswhere core data is not available has been a challenge for manyyears. In this study, relationships were built between core dataand the open hole log suite using the Artificial NeuralNetwork approach and were used in estimating reservoir rocktypes and permeability.A typical character of the reservoir is that the logsignatures are similar for several dissimilar rock types. Due tolimitation on the vertical resolution conventional open holelogs alone could not differentiate these rock types. A syntheticvariable cementation exponent ‘m’ curve, gradient curvesfrom Gamma Ray, Bulk Density and Neutron porosity logssupplemented the open hole logs in the neural networkanalysis in resolving the permeability variations. Nine neuralnetworks were constructed to handle the complexity. Robustreservoir rock type and permeability estimation was achievedin two iterations. In the initial pass, fractional facies curveswere estimated using a supervised classification network.These fractional facies curves were then used in initialpermeability estimation with the help of a supervisedestimation network. In the next pass, this permeability curve was used to estimate the reservoir rock types. In the final step,to fine-tune the magnitude of the permeability, the log derivedreservoir rock types were included in network analysis and afinal permeability curve with improved magnitude wasgenerated. The initial permeability estimation was madeseparately on two vertical sub divisions of the reservoirinterval and the reservoir rock type estimation was made onfour separate vertical sub divisions based on the occurrence ofvarious RRTs.Examples are provided showing a satisfactory predictionof both RRTs and permeability in cored and non-cored wells.The estimated permeability and RRTs were incorporated in the3D geological model supplementing core data.
机译:中国巨型陆上结构的复杂碳酸盐岩油藏。 阿布扎比中部由多孔的石灰岩部分组成 除以几个笔直的致密层。水库是 异质。高渗透率和低渗透率岩石类型共存 日志特性没有太大变化。磁导率 改变几个数量级而没有明显的变化 孔隙率的变化。储层岩石类型和渗透率 可从30个有芯井中进行测量。水库 被超过100口裸眼的垂直井穿透 提供各种年份的原木。估计 在间隔和井中使用常规测井进行渗透率分析 无法获得核心数据的情况对许多人来说都是一个挑战 年。在这项研究中,建立了核心数据之间的关系 和使用人工神经网络的裸眼测井套件 网络方法并用于估算储层岩石 类型和渗透性。 储层的典型特征是测井 几种不同岩石类型的特征相似。由于 垂直分辨率常规裸眼的限制 仅凭原木就无法区分这些岩石类型。合成的 可变胶结指数“ m”曲线,梯度曲线 来自伽玛射线,堆积密度和中子孔隙率测井 补充了神经网络中的裸眼测井 解决渗透率变化的分析。九神经 构建网络来处理复杂性。强壮的 进行了储层岩石类型和渗透率估算 分两次迭代。在初次通过时,分数相曲线 使用监督分类网络进行估计。 然后将这些分数相曲线用于初始 在监督下进行渗透率估算 估算网络。在下一个通道中,该渗透率曲线用于估算储层岩石类型。在最后一步, 为了微调渗透率的大小,可以得出对数 网络分析中包括了储集层岩石类型,并且 最终渗透率曲线的幅度得到改善 生成的。进行了初始渗透率估算 分别在水库的两个垂直子分区上 间隔和储层岩石类型估计 根据出现的四个独立的垂直子分区 各种RRT。 提供的示例显示了令人满意的预测 芯井和非芯井中的RRT和渗透率的关系。 估计的渗透率和RRT被纳入到 补充核心数据的3D地质模型。


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