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New Energy-Efficient Permutation Routing Protocol for Single-Hop Radio Networks




A radio network (RN) is a distributed system where each node is a small hand-held commodity device called a station, running on batteries. In a single-hop RN, every station is within the transmission range of every other station. Each station spends power while transmitting or receiving a message, even when it receives a message that is not destined for it. Since it is not possible to recharge batteries when the stations are on a mission, it is extremely important that the stations spend power only when it is necessary. In this paper, we are interested in designing an energy-efficient protocol for permutation routing which is one of the most fundamental problems in any distributed system. An instance of the permutation routing problem involves p stations of an RN, each storing n/p items. Each item has a unique destination address which is the identity of the destination station to which the item should be sent. The goal is to route all the items to their destinations while spending as little energy as possible. We show that the permutation routing problem of n packets on an RN(p, k) can be solved in ((2n)/k + (p/k)~2 + p + 2k~2) slots and each station needs to be awake for at most ((6n)/p+ 2p/k +8k) slots. When k p n, our protocol is more efficient both in terms of total number of slots and the number of slots each station is awake compared to the protocol by Nakano et al.
机译:无线电网络(RN)是一个分布式系统,其中的每个节点都是一个小型的手持式商用设备,称为工作站,依靠电池运行。在单跳RN中,每个站都在每个其他站的传输范围内。每个站在发送或接收消息时都会消耗功率,即使它接收到的消息不是发给它的。由于在工作站执行任务时无法为电池充电,因此极为重要的是,工作站仅在必要时才用电。在本文中,我们感兴趣的是为置换路由设计一种节能协议,这是任何分布式系统中最基本的问题之一。置换路由问题的一个实例涉及RN的p个站点,每个站点存储n / p个项。每个项目都有一个唯一的目标地址,该地址是该项目应发送到的目标站点的标识。目标是将所有物品路由到目的地,同时尽可能少地消耗能量。我们表明,可以在((2n)/ k +(p / k)〜2 + p + 2k〜2)时隙中解决RN(p,k)上n个数据包的置换路由问题,并且每个站点需要最多可唤醒((6n)/ p + 2p / k + 8k)个插槽。当k << p << n时,与Nakano等人的协议相比,我们的协议在时隙总数和每个站的时隙数量均更有效。



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