
Design, Development and Operational Experience of ALSTOM's 13.4MW Cyclone Gas Turbine




The Cyclone industrial gas turbine was launched in 1997 and entered commercial operation in 2000. Rated at 13.4MW and with a thermal efficiency in excess of 35% (at ISO operating conditions), the Cyclone was configured as a twin-shaft engine derivative of the Tempest Gas turbine, to meet both power generation and mechanical drive applications. This paper describes the design, development and early operational experience of the Cyclone gas turbine. The design aspects include features, which are common with other products within the ALSTOM product range, those that have been developed out of technology programmes, and those scaled from existing parts. Details are presented of the compressor construction, where a "zero" stage has been added to the Tempest rotor, and coupled with an increase in firing temperature, has resulted in the increase in power output. A two stage overhung compressor turbine, includes cooled blading technology to both stages. A separate free power turbine is based on a scale version of the Typhoon twin-shaft power turbine. The Cyclone includes the ALSTOM, Dry Low Emissions combustion system as standard and is able to operate on a wide range of fuels, in single or dual fuel configurations. The combustion system is based on the proven, generic system first introduced into the Typhoon. The result of engine testing has resulted in the release of both the Cyclone, and the Tempest, with sub 10ppmvd NOx (corrected to 15% O_2).. The first Cyclone engines entered service in the autumn of 2000, in a co-generation facility in Australia. Described in this paper are the early operating experiences, and the evaluation of a large amount of site data that has been recorded. Included in this section is information on issues that have had to be addressed during the first 8000 hours of operation.
机译:Cyclone工业燃气轮机于1997年投入使用,并于2000年投入商业运行。额定功率为13.4MW,热效率超过35%(在ISO运行条件下),Cyclone被配置为该发动机的双轴发动机衍生产品。 Tempest燃气轮机,可同时满足发电和机械驱动应用。本文介绍了旋风式燃气轮机的设计,开发和早期运行经验。设计方面包括功能,这些功能与ALSTOM产品范围内的其他产品共有,从技术程序中开发出来的功能以及从现有零件中扩展的功能。详细介绍了压缩机的结构,其中在Tempest转子上增加了一个“零”级,并伴随着燃烧温度的升高,导致了功率输出的增加。两级悬臂式压缩机涡轮机,两级均包括冷却叶片技术。单独的自由功率涡轮机基于台风双轴功率涡轮机的比例版本。旋风除尘器是标准配置的ALSTOM干式低排放燃烧系统,能够使用多种燃料以单燃料或双燃料配置运行。燃烧系统基于首先引入台风中的,经过验证的通用系统。发动机测试的结果导致释放出低于10ppmvd的NOx(校正为15%O_2)的Cyclone和Tempest。.第一批Cyclone发动机于2000年秋天投入热电联产设施在澳大利亚。本文描述的是早期的操作经验,以及对已记录的大量站点数据的评估。本部分包括有关在运行的前8000个小时中必须解决的问题的信息。



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