
Open source components for Internet management by delegation




The joint Jasmin project of the Technical University of Braunschweig and NEC C&C Research Laboratories is concerned with the development, implementation and practical evaluation of the management by delegation architecture standardized by the Distributed Management (DISMAN) working group of the IETF. This paper presents the open source software components that have been developed over two years within the Jasmin project, namely the Jasmin DISMAN-SCRIPT-MIB SNMP agent with its Java and Tcl runtime engines, a Java package for higher level operations on the DISMAN-SCRIPT-MIB and DISMAN-SCHEDULE-MIB agents, a Java GUI application for interacting with DISMAN-SCRIPT-MIB agents, a Java AgentX sub-agent toolkit that simplifies the development of scripts exporting new MIB objects, a package that facilitates the development of monitoring scripts, and a DISMAN-SCHEDULE-MIB sub-agent. Besides describing the software components and their relations, we also present some project history and experiences specific to open source software development.
机译:不伦瑞克工业大学和NEC C&C研究实验室的Jasmin联合项目涉及通过IETF的分布式管理(DISMAN)工作组标准化的授权架构对管理的开发,实施和实际评估。本文介绍了在Jasmin项目中开发了两年的开源软件组件,即具有Java和Tcl运行时引擎的Jasmin DISMAN-SCRIPT-MIB SNMP代理,这是用于DISMAN-SCRIPT上更高级别操作的Java软件包。 -MIB和DISMAN-SCHEDULE-MIB代理程序,用于与DISMAN-SCRIPT-MIB代理程序交互的Java GUI应用程序,Java AgentX子代理程序工具包,可简化导出新MIB对象的脚本的开发,该程序包有助于监视的开发脚本和DISMAN-SCHEDULE-MIB子代理。除了描述软件组件及其关系之外,我们还介绍一些项目历史和特定于开源软件开发的经验。



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