首页> 外文会议>SPE international thermal operations and heavy oil symposium >Downhole Upgrading Athabasca Tar Sand Bitumen Using THAI ? SARA Analysis

Downhole Upgrading Athabasca Tar Sand Bitumen Using THAI ? SARA Analysis

机译:使用THAI进行阿萨巴斯卡焦油砂沥青的井下升级? SARA分析



Downhole upgrading of virgin Athabasca TarSand bitumen has been investigatede in a series of 3-Dexperiments using THAI ? ?Toe-to-Heel Air Injection?.The process uses direct line drive, or a staggeredarrangement of horizontal producer wells; in combinationwith either horizontal or vertical wells for gas injection(HIHP or VI2HP). The 3-D tests involved THAI as aprimary process, steam injection aslo as a primarymethod using a new steam flood process, THSF (Toe-to-Heel steamflood), and THAI on a secondary recoverymode, post-THSF. Except for THSF, very high oilrecoveries were achieved: THAI primary: 80% OOIP,THSF: 23% OOIP and THAI secondary: 66.7% OOIP.The low THSF recovery is attributed to the low steamtemperature, because of the low cell opersting pressure.Very significant upgrading of the Athabasca bitumenoccurred during the air injection tests for the majority ofthe experimental period. The API gravity of the producedoil increased by 8 API points and the viscositydecreased to 50 to 1000 mPa.s, compared with theoriginal bitumen viscosity of 1,000,000 mPa.s. Therewas also a substantial decrease in sulphur, nitrogen andheavy metals content of the produced oil. The quality ofthe in-situ upgraded oil was investigated using SARAanalysis (Saturates, Aromatics, Resins, Asphaltenes).This revealed that there was a dramatic increase in thesaturates content of the produced oil, up to 62% to 72%,compared with 15.5% for the original bitumen.
机译:原始阿萨巴斯卡焦油的井下升级 沙沥青已在一系列3-D中得到了研究 使用THAI进行实验? “脚趾到脚跟的空气注入”。 该过程使用直线驱动,或交错 水平生产井的布置;结合 使用水平或垂直井进行注气 (HIHP或VI2HP)。 3-D测试涉及THAI作为 一级工艺,主要采用蒸汽喷射法 使用新的蒸汽驱过程THSF(Toe-to-to- 脚跟注水)和泰国进行二次恢复 模式,THSF之后。除THSF外,油量很高 达到的回收率:初级泰国:80%OOIP THSF:OOIP为23%,泰文中学:OOIP为66.7%。 THSF回收率低归因于蒸汽量低 温度低,因为电池工作压力低。 阿萨巴斯卡沥青的重大升级 在大多数情况下发生在空气注入测试期间 实验期。所产生的API比重 油增加了8个API点和粘度 与 原始沥青粘度为1,000,000mPa.s。那里 硫,氮和 产出油中的重金属含量。质量 使用SARA对原位提质油进行了研究 分析(饱和,芳香族,树脂,沥青质)。 这表明, 饱和采出油的含量,最高可达62%至72%, 相比之下,原始沥青为15.5%。



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