首页> 外文会议>Annual national meeting of the American Society for Surface Mining and Reclamation;Annual forum on Western Region Ash Group >Reclamation of Waste Rock Material at the Summitville Mine Superfund Site Using Organic Matter And Topsoil Treatments

Reclamation of Waste Rock Material at the Summitville Mine Superfund Site Using Organic Matter And Topsoil Treatments




The Summitville Mine was a high eelvation (3,500 m) open-pit gold mine located in southwestern Colorado. The mien was abandoned in 1992 leaving approximately 200 ha of disturbed area comprised partially fo two large waste rock piles. Reclamation of waste rock material is challenging due to extreme climatic conditiosn in conjunction with a high acid-production potneital and low organic matter concentration of the material. In addition, stockpiled topsoil at the site is acidic and may be biologically inactive due to long-term storage, and therefore sufficient plant growth medium may be limited. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of organic amendments (mushroom compost vs biosolids) and topsoil (stockpiled vs non-stockpiled) on aboveground biomass, herbaceous cover, and trace element uptake. An on-site field study was established in 1995 to identify the msot effective combination of treatments for successful reclamation and cover, with mushroom compost being mre effective than biosolids, but did not shwo significant trends relative to trace eleemtn uptake. The use of topsoil did not show a significant response relative to aboveground production, cover, and trace element uptake. This study shows that waste rock materials can be directly revegetated if properly neutralized, fertilized, and amended with organic matter. Additionally, stockpiled topsoil was equivalent in plant growth to non-stockpiled topsoil when neutralized with lime.
机译:萨米特维尔矿山是位于科罗拉多州西南部的一座高空(3500 m)露天金矿。该矿井于1992年被废弃,留下了大约200公顷的受干扰区域,部分由两个大的废石堆组成。由于极端的气候条件以及高产酸碱度和低有机物浓度,废石料的回收具有挑战性。此外,该地点储存的表土是酸性的,由于长期储存可能在生物学上没有活性,因此可能会限制足够的植物生长培养基。这项研究的目的是确定有机改良剂(蘑菇堆肥与生物固体)和表土(堆存与非堆存)对地上生物量,草本覆盖和微量元素吸收的影响。 1995年建立了一个现场研究,以鉴定成功复垦和覆盖的多种有效疗法,蘑菇堆肥比生物固体更有效,但相对于微量元素的吸收没有明显的趋势。相对于地上产量,覆盖量和痕量元素的吸收,表土的使用没有显示出显着的响应。这项研究表明,如果适当地中和,施肥并用有机物质修正,废石料可以直接重新植被。此外,当用石灰中和时,堆肥的表土在植物生长方面等同于非堆肥的表土。



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