首页> 外文会议>Conference on cryogenic optical systems and instruments >Acoustic amplification in the far-infrared focal plane assembly of the composite infrared spectrometer (CIRS) for the Cassini mission to Saturn

Acoustic amplification in the far-infrared focal plane assembly of the composite infrared spectrometer (CIRS) for the Cassini mission to Saturn




Abstract: The Composite Infrared Spectrometer of the Cassini mission to Saturn has two interferometers covering the far infrared FIR and mid infrared, MIR wavelength region. The FIR is a polarizing Michelson interferometer, which presents a collimated output beam to the FIR focal plane. The focal plane consists of a parabolic focus mirror and an analyzer grid, which splits the output beams into transmitted and components. The two orthogonal polarizations are focussed onto two thermopile detectors, each consisting of a gold black absorber on top of a 100-nanometer thick gold foil welded to the top of two bismuth pyramids. The gold black is 30 microns thick, and the weld area is approximately 5 microns in diameter. The detectors are extremely fragile and the weld can be broken with a minuscule amount of airflow across the surface of the foil. The detectors consistently passed acoustic testing (at the detector level), to qualification levels that simulated the launch environment of the Titan IV launch vehicle. However, they experienced a 50% failure rate when installed in the focal plane assembly during instrument level acoustic tests. A test focal plane was developed with small pressure transducers in the nominal detector locations. These tests indicated over 10 dB of acoustic amplification in the focal plane in the instrument due to the geometry of the focal plane. New techniques were developed to allow testing of the focal plane without over testing the instrument, and modifications were made to the focal plane assembly to successfully attenuate the amplification.!4
机译:摘要:卡西尼号(Cassini)的土星飞行器组合红外光谱仪有两个干涉仪,分别覆盖了远红外FIR和中红外MIR波长范围。 FIR是偏振迈克尔逊干涉仪,它将准直的输出光束呈现给FIR焦平面。焦平面由一个抛物线聚焦镜和一个分析器网格组成,该分析器网格将输出光束分成透射光束和分量光束。这两个正交极化聚焦在两个热电堆探测器上,每个探测器由一个金黑色吸收体组成,该吸收体位于焊接到两个铋金字塔顶部的100纳米厚金箔的顶部。金黑的厚度为30微米,焊接区域的直径约为5微米。检测器极易碎,焊缝可能会因为箔片表面的少量气流而破裂。检测器始终通过声学测试(在检测器级别),达到了模拟Titan IV运载火箭的发射环境的鉴定级别。但是,在仪器级声学测试过程中将其安装在焦平面组件中时,他们的故障率达到50%。使用标称检测器位置的小型压力传感器开发了测试焦平面。这些测试表明,由于焦平面的几何形状,仪器焦平面中的声音放大超过10 dB。开发了新技术以允许在不对仪器进行过度测试的情况下测试焦平面,并对焦平面组件进行了修改以成功衰减放大倍数!4



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