首页> 外文会议>Advances in Laser and Light Spectroscopy to Diagnose Cancer and Other Diseases III: Optical Biopsy >Effects of sample preparation on the optical properties of breast tissue

Effects of sample preparation on the optical properties of breast tissue




Abstract: The optical properties of biological tissue should be determined in vivo whenever possible. However, for those instances when in vivo studies are impractical, too expensive or inappropriate, and when blood flow is not an issue, the ability to perform in vitro studies then becomes invaluable. Optical absorption spectroscopy shows that it may be possible to obtain meaningful information about the optical properties of human breast tissue from in vitro samples if strict preparation and measuring protocols are used. That a strict protocol for storing and handling tissue is critical can be seen from our observations of changes in the optical absorption spectra that occur in response to formalin fixation, the passage of time, application of stains and dyes, and storage in growth medium of the excised tissue. In vivo optical absorption spectroscopy measurements have been made on human breast cancer xenografts and compared with in vitro measurements on breast biopsies prepared according to precise collection and treatment protocols. There is a 'window of opportunity' before time dependent changes in the UV optical absorption spectra of the excised tissue specimens occur. This time window of opportunity widens at longer wavelengths with the least changes occurring in the optical spectra in the NIR. !5
机译:摘要:应尽可能在体内确定生物组织的光学特性。但是,对于那些在体内研究不切实际,过于昂贵或不合适的情况,以及当血流量不是问题的情况下,进行体外研究的能力将变得无价。光学吸收光谱法表明,如果使用严格的制备和测量方案,则有可能从体外样品中获得有关人乳腺组织光学特性的有意义的信息。从对福尔马林固定,时间的流逝,染色剂和染料的应用以及在生长培养基中的储存所引起的光吸收光谱变化的观察可以看出,严格的储存和处理组织的协议至关重要。切除的组织。已经对人乳腺癌异种移植物进行了体内光吸收光谱测量,并将其与根据精确收集和治疗方案制备的活检组织的体外测量结果进行了比较。在切除的组织标本的紫外线吸收光谱随时间变化之前,有一个“机会之窗”。机会的时间窗口在较长的波长处加宽,而NIR光谱中发生的变化最小。 !5



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