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Improving the safety-of-flight certification process: helmet/HMD dynamics during aircraft ejection

机译:改善飞行安全认证过程:飞机弹出时头盔/ HMD动态



Abstract: In the event that all pilot efforts to recover a serverely disabled aircraft have failed, the pilot may be forced to eject from the aircraft. A pull of the ejection handles launches the pilot into the violent, complicated environment of an aircraft ejection. Aircraft altitude and velocity, pilot physiology and body posture, pilot personal equipment, and helmet/HMD characteristics are just a few broad categories comprising the vast list of variables potentially influencing the pilot's chances of surviving an ejection. The nearly infinite number of permutations of these variables describing any given ejection makes predicting, modeling, and simulating such an environment very difficult. Moreover, developing criteria and designing test and evaluation methodologies for certifying advanced helmet systems as 'safe-to-fly' is an increasingly frustrating process characterized by too many unknowns and too little data. In order to accurately simulate the aircraft ejection environment in performing test and evaluation of advanced helmet systems, especially helmet-mounted displays (HMDs), a better understanding of helmet/HMD dynamics is required. This study attempts to develop a model combining the two major force contributions during aircraft ejection: windblast forces due to canopy jettison and g-forces imparted by rapid acceleration out of the aircraft. By superimposing data collected from windblast tests and from ejection-tower tests, more accurate resultant headeck loads can be calculated in determining whether a given helmet/HMD design should receive the 'safe-to-fly' certification. !5
机译:摘要:万一飞行员挽回一具严重伤残的飞机的所有努力都失败了,飞行员可能被迫从飞机上退出。拉出弹射手柄会将飞行员带入飞机​​弹出的剧烈,复杂的环境中。飞机的高度和速度,飞行员的生理和身体姿势,飞行员的个人设备以及头盔/ HMD特性只是几大类,其中包括可能影响飞行员从弹射中幸存的机会的众多变量。这些变量几乎无穷无尽的排列描述了任何给定的喷射,因此很难预测,建模和模拟这样的环境。此外,为认证高级头盔系统为“安全飞行”而制定标准和设计测试与评估方法,这是一个越来越令人沮丧的过程,其特征是未知数太多,数据太少。为了在执行高级头盔系统(尤其是头盔显示器)的测试和评估过程中准确模拟飞机的弹出环境,需要对头盔/ HMD动力学有更好的了解。这项研究试图建立一个模型,该模型结合了飞机弹射过程中的两个主要作用力:由机盖抛弃引起的风力和由飞机快速加速所产生的重力。通过叠加从风车测试和喷射塔测试中收集的数据,可以在确定给定的头盔/ HMD设计是否应获得“安全飞行”认证时计算出更准确的头/颈总载荷。 !5



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