首页> 外文会议>Medical Imaging 1996: PACS Design and Evaluation: Engineering and Clinical Issues >Bibliographic database of PACS-related articles from the SPIE literature

Bibliographic database of PACS-related articles from the SPIE literature




Abstract: Publications of the International Society of Optical Engineering (SPIE) contain much of the relevant literature on Picture Archiving and Communications Systems (PACS) and related topics. In fact, many PACS-related articles indexed by the National Library of Medicine contain references to articles published by SPIE. Unfortunately, SPIE publications themselves are not indexed by the National Library of Medicine and thus can not be identified through Medline. The lack of a convenient mechanism for searching the SPIE literature is problematic for researchers in medical imaging. With the recent introduction on SPIE's Internet server of their Abstracts Online service and their In-Cite$+TM$/ title and author searching software, the SPIE literature has become more accessible. However, the searching process is still a cumbersome and time consuming process, and it is not possible to perform key word searches of manuscript abstracts. In this paper we present results of our work on developing a mechanism to more thoroughly search SPIE publications for PACS-related articles.!0
机译:摘要:国际光学工程学会(SPIE)的出版物包含有关图片存档和通信系统(PACS)和相关主题的许多相关文献。实际上,美国国家医学图书馆索引的许多与PACS相关的文章都引用了SPIE发表的文章。不幸的是,SPIE出版物本身并未被美国国家医学图书馆索引,因此无法通过Medline进行识别。缺乏搜索SPIE文献的便捷机制,对于医学影像研究人员来说是个难题。随着最近在SPIE的Internet服务器上引入了Abstracts Online服务以及In-Cite $ + TM $ /标题和作者搜索软件,SPIE文献变得更加易于访问。然而,搜索过程仍然是麻烦且耗时的过程,并且不可能执行原稿摘要的关键词搜索。在本文中,我们介绍了我们开发机制的工作结果,该机制可以更彻底地搜索SPIE出版物中与PACS相关的文章。!0


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