首页> 外文会议>Optical and Imaging Techniques for Biomonitoring >Electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) applied to the study of mechanical behavior of human jaws

Electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) applied to the study of mechanical behavior of human jaws




Abstract: The study of the mechanical behavior of the human jawduring chewing is helpful in several specific medicalfields that cover the maxillo-facial area. In thiswork, electronic speckle pattern interferometry hasbeen applied to study dead jaw bones under externalstress which simulates the deformations induced duringchewing. Fringes obtained after subtraction of twoimages of the jaw, the image of the relaxed jaw andthat of the jaw under stress, give us information aboutthe most stressed zones. The interferometric analysisproposed here is attractive as it can be done in realtime with the jaw under progressive stress. Imageprocessing can be applied for improving the quality offringes. This research can be of help in orthognathicsurgery, for example in diagnosis and treatment offractured jaws, in oral surgery, and in orthodonticsbecause it would help us to know the stress dispersionwhen we insert an osseointegrated implant or place anorthodontic appliance, respectively. Studying fragmentsof human jaw some results about its elasticity andflexibility were obtained. !9
机译:摘要:咀嚼过程中人体颌骨力学行为的研究对覆盖颌面部的几个特定医学领域很有帮助。在这项工作中,电子散斑图干涉技术已被用于研究外应力下的死颚骨,该颚骨模拟了咀嚼过程中引起的变形。减去颌的两个图像(松弛的颌的图像和受应力的颌的图像)后获得的条纹为我们提供了有关受力最大的区域的信息。这里提出的干涉测量分析很有吸引力,因为它可以在渐进应力作用下颌部实时进行。可以使用图像处理来改善质量问题。这项研究可能对正畸外科有帮助,例如在颌骨骨折的诊断和治疗,口腔外科以及正畸治疗中,因为当我们分别插入骨整合植入物或放置正畸矫治器时,这将有助于我们了解应力分散情况。通过研究人类颌骨的碎裂,可以获得有关其弹性和柔韧性的一些结果。 !9


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