首页> 外文会议>Optical Velocimetry >Comparison between the time-of-flight velocimeter and the laser Doppler velocimeter for measurements on solid surfaces

Comparison between the time-of-flight velocimeter and the laser Doppler velocimeter for measurements on solid surfaces




Abstract: Analytical expressions for the crosscovariance(time-of-flight velocimeter, LTV) and for the powerspectrum (laser Doppler velocimeter, LDV) are presentedbased on the assumption of all apertures having aGaussian transmission function. The objects aresimulated at solid targets having lateral spatialcorrelation, i.e. giving rise to partially developedspeckle. The case of fully developed speckle can thusbe simulated by having zero correlation length. Forboth systems and either target the relative width ofthe crosscovariance (LTV) and power spectrum (LDV) iscalculated analytically based on the entire opticalsystem and expressed as a function of the number ofmodes in the detection system. It is shown that the LTVwill give in general a lower variance for the velocityestimate but that spatial correlations of the targetare most detrimental to the LTV system. Besides, thedecorrelation effects for measurement on curvedsurfaces are considered and it is shown that bothsystems will suffer equally in the case of a multimodesystem but the LTV system will be superior to an LDVsystem in case of a single mode system. The basicdifference between the performance of the two systemsstems from the inherent difference in bandwidth. !9
机译:摘要:基于所有具有a高斯传递函数的孔径的假设,给出了互协方差(飞行时间测速仪,LTV)和功率谱(激光多普勒测速仪,LDV)的解析表达式。在具有横向空间相关性(即引起部分显影的斑点)的固体目标上模拟物体。因此,可以通过具有零相关长度来模拟完全散斑的情况。对于这两个系统,无论是目标还是交叉目标,互协方差(LTV)和功率谱(LDV)的相对宽度都是基于整个光学系统进行分析计算的,并表示为检测系统中模式数量的函数。结果表明,LTV通常会为速度估计提供较低的方差,但目标的空间相关性对LTV系统最不利。此外,考虑了在曲面上测量的去相关效应,结果表明,在多模系统的情况下,两个系统均会遭受相同的损失,但在单模系统的情况下,LTV系统将优于LDV系统。这两个系统的性能之间的基本区别在于带宽的固有差异。 !9



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