
Prank call rejection system for home country direct service




This paper describes a prank call rejection system, which rejects prank calls to KDD Japan Direct/sup SM/, a home country direct service. The system issues an announcement in Japanese which instructs KDD Japan Direct/sup SM/ customers to speak a key-word in Japanese. If the system recognizes the key-word, then it switches the line to a telephone operator. If not, the call is assumed to be a prank call and the line is cut off. We developed a prototype prank call rejection system and evaluated it over several months in phases. Results showed that over 93% of prank calls were rejected while only 2% of customer calls were rejected. The figure for rejected calls includes cases in which customers did not speak the key-word. Almost all customers rejected in the first call, however, tried to place a call again and successfully spoke the correct key-word. The commercial system was developed and has been in operation at the KDD International Switching Center since March 1996.
机译:本文介绍了一个恶作剧呼叫拒绝系统,该系统拒绝对本国直接服务KDD Japan Direct / sup SM /的恶作剧呼叫。系统以日语发布公告,指示KDD Japan Direct / sup SM /客户用日语说出关键字。如果系统识别出关键字,则将线路切换到电话接线员。如果不是,则该呼叫被认为是恶作剧呼叫,并且该线路被切断。我们开发了一个恶作剧呼叫拒绝系统原型,并在几个月内分阶段对其进行了评估。结果表明,超过93%的恶作剧电话被拒绝,而只有2%的客户电话被拒绝。拒接电话的数字包括客户未讲关键词的情况。几乎所有在第一次呼叫中被拒绝的客户都尝试再次拨打电话并成功说出正确的关键字。该商业系统已开发,自1996年3月起已在KDD国际交换中心投入使用。



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