
'Mt. Dioxin'-a numerical problem to teach engineering ethics




This is a fictionalized case study involving an actual Superfund cleanup of an abandoned woodtreating facility adjacent to several African-American residential neighborhoods in southeastern United States. The ethical issues that are faced in making decisions involving insufficient data, which lies at the heart of the "Mt. Dioxin" case study, are presented from three different perspectives: Site Manager from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), who has to make decisions that affect the lives of "real" people; the regional EPA engineer who recommends policy and makes decisions guided by legislation; and an engineer working for a private consulting company contracted to excavate the contaminated soil, whose job depends on the employer. The case history, soil sampling data and excerpts from EPA documents are included, together with numerical as well as ethical problems. This case is suitable for a junior-level fluid mechanics class, or a senior-level course on ethics and professionalism.
机译:这是一个虚构的案例研究,涉及实际的Superfund清理位于美国东南部几个非裔美国人居住区附近的废弃木处理设施。从“三恶英山”案例研究的核心出发,在涉及数据不足的决策中面临的道德问题是从三种不同的角度提出的:环境保护局(EPA)的现场经理影响“真实”人生活的决定; EPA建议政策并根据法律制定决策的地区EPA工程师;一名工程师在一家私人咨询公司工作,该公司签约挖掘受污染的土壤,其工作取决于雇主。包括案例历史,土壤采样数据和EPA文件摘录,以及数字和道德问题。此案例适合于初级流体力学课程或有关道德和专业的高级课程。



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