
Long-path CO2 lidar measurements




Abstract: The Air Force Phillips Laboratory is conducting a series of measurements at the Air Force Maui Optical Station (AMOS) facility on Maui, Hawaii, to determine system requirements for an airborne long path CO$-2$/ DIAL system. The lidar incorporates a cavity-matched 3-J laser with the 60 cm diameter AMOS laser beam director telescope. The beam propagation path is approximately 21 km, originating at the AMOS facility on Haleakala at an altitude of 3 km ASL, and terminating at a target site near sea level. Both heterodyne and direct detection techniques are being compared with respect to radiometric performance and signal statistics. Radiometric models including system optical characteristics, beam propagation considerations, target reflectivity characteristics, and atmospheric effects have been developed and validated experimentally. Predictions and results are presented, compared, and discussed. !5
机译:摘要:空军菲利普斯实验室正在夏威夷毛伊岛的空军毛伊光学站(AMOS)进行一系列测量,以确定机载长距离CO $ -2 $ / DIAL系统的系统要求。激光雷达结合了腔匹配的3-J激光器和直径为60 cm的AMOS激光束导向器望远镜。光束传播路径约为21公里,始于哈雷阿卡拉(Haleakala)的AMOS设施,ASL高度为3公里,终止于海平面附近的目标地点。外差和直接检测技术都在辐射性能和信号统计方面进行了比较。已开发并通过实验验证了包括系统光学特性,光束传播考虑因素,目标反射率特性和大气效应在内的辐射模型。给出了预测和结果,进行了比较和讨论。 !5


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